Sunday, May 13, 2012

Steven Hopler Wins Big - The Blind Can See

North reports

A blind man in New Jersey has won a two-year legal battle to keep his gun collection. 

Morris County prosecutors claimed Steven Hopler was unfit to safely maintain his handguns, claiming he abuses alcohol and was taking an antidepressant when he accidentally shot himself in his Rockaway Township home while cleaning a pistol in 2008. 

But the 49-year-old Hopler, who is blind because of complications from diabetes, denies abusing alcohol and has completed a firearms safety course. And a state judge sided with him in a ruling issued Friday. 

The judge said Hopler can keep his gun permit and also ordered police to return the weapons they had seized after the accidental shooting. A court in 1994 allowed Hopler to purchase firearms and shoot them under strict conditions.
I'm speechless at this bone-headed court ruling. Blindness itself should be a disqualifier, as should having shot himself negligently.

I wonder how long it will be before we see Mr. Hopler in the news again.

What's your opinion?  Please leave a comment.


  1. Another court does the right thing and smacks down a repressive government--excellent. Let's hope that more of New Jersey's foolishness gets tossed soon.

  2. Mikeb, can you explain exactly why a blind person should be barred from owning firearms?

    1. For the exact same reason a blind person is barred from obtaining a driver's license. There, are you happy? You made me resort to a car comparison, but unlike many of yours, this one makes sense.

      Eye tests should be mandatory. With poor eye sight, or obviously with blindness, how could one be expected to follow Gun Safety Rule 3, you know that little business about being sure of one's target and what's behind it?

    2. You're talking about using firearms, I'm asking about owning them.

      So no, you have not answered the question.

    3. "Eye tests should be mandatory. With poor eye sight, or obviously with blindness, how could one be expected to follow Gun Safety Rule 3, you know that little business about being sure of one's target and what's behind it?"

      Intelligence, not eyes, determine whether you know what is behind your target.

      I can't find the link, there was a state that was possibly going to get rid of the shooting test requirement for a carry permit. This was vocally opposed by a completely blind man who was pissed because he had to pass it (and did) and he thought everyone should.

      What is really necessary is an IQ test for free speech. I think it should be at least 140 on the WAIS-IV.

    4. Patrick Henry of the extremely high IQ, wrote, "Intelligence, not eyes, determine whether you know what is behind your target."

    5. "For the exact same reason a blind person is barred from obtaining a driver's license."

      But a blind man can own a car, no?

  3. Any other groups you want to illegally discriminate against? Cripples, deaf people, mongoloids?

    1. It's not discrimination, it's simply a question of qualifying.

    2. Literacy tests are simply a way of qualifying to vote.

  4. What in the hell did you expect, justice is blind, too.
    orlin sellers

  5. Congratulations Mr. Hopler. Next time you want to go to the range, do not call me.

  6. Let's just issue him a driver's license and a license to operate heavy machinery, while we're at it. The blind are GREAT at those things, too.

    1. Man from Oregon, Hopler lives in New Jersey. He had to get permission to OWN a firearm. He's not taking it outside his house. If he wants to buy a car and have it parked in his driveway, what business is it of yours? Of course, if he lived in Arkansas, this story would never have happened, since we don't license gun owners here. The same is true of most states. I'm sure that's an itch that you can't scratch.

    2. Jason Kilgore (Baldr Odinson), show some sensitivity to disabled people. This is more comparable to prohibiting him from owning a car, which has nothing to do with being licensed to drive on government roads.

    3. Baldr Odinson should be banned from a owning a spoon.

  7. I wonder if Jason Kilgore is a federally prohibited person like demokkkommie. Is that why he's so bitter and hateful?

    1. Speaking of democommie, has anyone else noticed how peaceful, non-vulgar, KKKK-less and ZZZZ-less it is around here? It seems to be easier on the eyes not trying to decipher what ever it is he was trying to say.
      orlin sellers

    2. Just like Dog Gone, he took his toys in the attic and went home. Of course, she pops up from time to time. I wonder how long it will be before he drifts back in.
