The name David Caton may not ring a bell, but you surely know at least one of his campaigns. He's the guy who flies banners over Disney Worldwhenever the "Gay Day" event comes to the Magic Kingdom, warning anyone in the area of the pesky LGBT people who might dare to see themselves as equally as entitled to riding Splash Mountain as anyone else.
Caton has also gone after several different TV shows and networks for being too inclusive of LGBT human beings. For example, he claims to have convinced advertisers to pull from the hit Modern Family "because the show labels a same-sex couple with an adopted child as a modern family and attempts to normalize homosexuality by contrasting it with heterosexual couples that the show characterizes as abnormal." Another was Degrassi, which Caton went after for"affirming the homosexual and transgender lifestyles" coupled with attacks against the network, Teen Nick, for airing public service announcements "which lead children and teens toward, not away from embracing these behaviors."
Oh, and Mr. Caton also uses "facts" from discredited researcher like Paul Cameron (PAUL. CAMERON!) to go after programs that are designed to support and protect LGBT youth. Just this year, Mr. Caton flew another round banners over Lady Gaga concerts reading "not born this way" in protest of the Born This Way Bus and the LGBT organizations (Bron This Way Foundation, Trevor Project, Campus Pride, etc.) involved.
But it's not just LGBT. Oh no, no, no. Mr. Caton, who waged such a high profile onslaught against the All American Muslim TV show a few years back that it lead the New York Times to describe Caton as "Waging a One-Man War on American Muslims", has determined that 2013 will be the year that his organization takes on "countering the Islamist agenda in America" as its top priority.
Which leads us to Caton's latest. In a campaign you'll likely hear more about in the days to come, the longtime anti-LGBT activist is now taking on Al Jazeera America, which launches nationwide today. Caton is claiming that his efforts have influence a whopping one hundred eighteen companies—ranging from small to massive, in all industries—to pull
their advertising from the network.
When you dedicate your life to violating the rights of others, no other principle remains.
ReplyDeleteIt appears to me that you folks want to violate this guys right to freedom of speech and expression.
DeleteHas this guy threatened or acted out any physical violence against the fags and dykes?
This frickin' hypersensitivity has destroyed our society. Just more of the pussyfication of America. Mothers, please teach you children: Sticks and Stones....
orlin sellers
Your comment speaks for itself, but Orlin, why must you use language like that about people who are merely being themselves? Isn't the principle of liberty that we each get to decide who we are?
DeleteGreg trying to school Orlin, what a laugh.
DeleteGreg, it seems you are one of the hypersensitive, politically correct babies that was never taught by your Mom that Sticks and Stones....
DeleteWhat if I were an Eskimo and had made that comment? Oops, that's right, we can't call them Eskimos.
Why am I not surprised you'd like to suppress free speech.
orlin sellers
Mikeb, you know my positions.
DeleteOrlin, why are you acting this way? I'm not hateful to you. In fact, I've stood up for you on many occasions. And I'm not advocating for any suppression of speech. I just see in Caton someone who uses his freedom to hurt the freedoms of others. I'll defend his right to say what he wants, but I also insist on my right to call his speech wrong.
DeleteGeez Greg, if anyone would have accused this guy of 'violating rights', which he didn't, I would have had the same response.
DeleteI have no grudge with you, but also am not afraid to point out when I think you are wrong.
Although I addressed you personally, my comment was not meant, as a personal insult.
I respect your right of speech, however your accusation that this guy violated someone's rights is baloney. I simply pointed that out, nothing more.
orlin sellers
I think Orlin caught Greg in a nice inconsistency. Of course, getting Greg to admit that will never happen. but there it is.
DeleteWhat a day when Mikeb agrees with Orlin...
DeleteCaton's goal is to shut people up. He has the right to express that desire to anyone who will listen, but I equally have the right to call him out for what he's doing. I'm not suggesting that we silence Caton. What I've said here is that Caton wants to silence others, and he's moved from sexual orientation to religion and ethnicity., so I repeat my original statement. Nothing is inconsistent in what I've said.
Greg's idea of "sides."
DeleteYou are supposed to agree with him no matter if his statements are lies.
Don't get out of line again Orlin!