Saturday, August 9, 2014

Quote of the Day

Guns protect against lone predators, burglars, rapists, gangs and hordes of various sorts, zombies or otherwise. As a practical matter there is little difference between a zombie who wants to eat your brain and a criminal who would bash it in with a brick. Guns either repel them or dispatch them to an appropriate destination.
BTW, isn't a coward someone who lives their life in fear? Especially irrational fear?

Anyway, more on this topic here


  1. A coward is someone who is too afraid to step up and properly address a situation when he/she has the capacity to do so or relies on someone else to do it for them. Blames someone else for their problems is another coward. Irrational fear is someone who defies logic or rejects logic and blames another for their illogical reasoning or fear.

    1. You just described gun loons. They have an irrational fear that makes them carry guns all the time wherever they go and refuse to comply with those who have asked them not to bring their guns on their property.

    2. And it equally describes anti-gun loons who have a irrational fear of those guns and their owners.

    3. With 30,000 gun shot deaths a year, and the stupid shit gun owners do to cause needless gun deaths and injury, it's not an irrational fear, it's real.

    4. Funny comment, I am around you all the time, yet you don't know I carry all the time and don't seem to be afraid of me at all.

      I have a fear of those that carry too. You know the criminal types that don't obey any law or sign. It IS why I carry. It IS why law enforcement and security carry. Its just that I don't abdicate my security to those I have to wait for or depend on someone else.

      So yeah, I have the same fear, but I am not afraid to step up if needed. I will have a better chance than you. I am not afraid of the gun, I am afraid of you stupid shit disarmament types.

    5. That's funny. I guess you don't know I am a gun owner and have a carry license. But I don't have that irrational fear that drives you. I don't carry everywhere I go. I'm not afraid to go out in public without my gun. I don't ignore companies and people who ask me not to bring my gun onto their properties, as gun loons do. Crime is lower than it has been in decades, where is the fear? Are you inventing the fear in your own mind? Are you hanging around the few places where one would need a gun? Do you live a life so close to criminals that you need a gun? You love your gun and want it with you always regardless of need. I like a society that has no need for anyone to carry a gun.

    6. Anon, while its your choice to be Anon, when you make that decision, you surrender the option for being able to critique someone for not knowing who you are. So, no, we don't know that you have a carry permit.
      I applaud you acquiring a carry permit and being willing to take responsibility for your personal security. That being said, when and where a person decides to carry are their own. Just as you make the decision to not carry all the time, others decide to carry more often.
      I don't know your circumstances, or the reasons for your decision to get a permit, the questions you ask others could just as easily be asked of you. Using the fact that you have a carry permit to give you more credibility to belittle those that make different choices is a wee bit contradictory.

    7. BS, SS. I have made my positions clear, even though guys like you lie about my positions.
      Having a carry permit gives me credibility to criticize other permit holders.
      It is an individual choice. Based on what? Fear is the reason people carry when carry is not necessary, either that, or an irrational love of an object made to kill.
      Why do you reply for someone else? How do you know what anon thinks about?

    8. "Fear is the reason people carry when carry is not necessary, either that, or an irrational love of an object made to kill. "

      So why exactly do you have a carry permit? And who decides when carrying is necessary? Or not? You apparently believe that when you choose to carry is reasonable, but believe that people should carry "too much". Who decides when it's too much?

    9. Having a carry permit gives you no more credibility to criticize others than having a drivers license gives you credibility to criticize others for when they need to drive.

      It is an individual choice because its based on the individuals choice or need as the individuals needs or circumstances dictate. What are you, omnipotent?

      Sarge doesn't know what I think about. But Sarge is a reasonable thinker like most who is capable of deciding whats best for them instead of relying on some omnipotent want-a -be's opinion.

      "Its an individual choice. Based on what?"
      Based on WHAT?? Really?
      That has to be the most ignorant, narcissistic, egotistical, arrogant and snobbish comment I have ever heard.

    10. Your decision is based on fear, as I stated above, there is no factual reason why one needs to carry in our low crime current society. Of course you can't see it, your in the grip of your own irrational fear. Get help.

    11. I agree with that completely. Unless one has a particular job or frequents bad neighborhoods for another reason, they have no need of being armed. It's fear and self-justification and there's a huge down side. Because of the many who practice this so-called right, there are more unnecessary shootings, accidents and gun thefts than there otherwise would be. Those misuses of the gun far outweigh the few DGUs that are truly legit.

    12. Lets start with Anon's comment,

      "Your decision is based on fear, as I stated above, there is no factual reason why one needs to carry in our low crime current society."

      Anon, gun control advocates are pushing for federal legislation based on several hundred homicides per year. (assault weapon ban) Yet, someone's decision to carry a firearm for personal defense in a country in which over one million violent crimes occurred in 2012 is considered paranoid? Hardly.

    13. ss, you're being a bit tricky there. Your side continually points out that the vast majority of those violent crimes happen in inner city places where gangs and drugs are the order of the day. You don't go there. So you can't claim the "million violent crimes" as a justification. Another thing your side loves to do is divide things by total numbers in order to get an insignificant percentage. Let's do that. Let's cut the million crimes down by excluding the ones that are drug and gang related. Let's say 200,000. Then divide that by the number of the total population. What's that give you? Maybe TS can help us, he's the stat wiz.

    14. "Sarge doesn't know what I think about"
      But he replies for you to my questions to you.
      I wouldn't exactly use that word to define his tactics.
      Again, crime is lower than it has been in decades, but just as you did above, you have to invent the equation that justifies you need to carry a gun. BS, it's fear.

    15. "ss, you're being a bit tricky there."

      Sorry Mike, I'm just a dumb infantryman, so I flunked the trickiness class. More likely any perceived trickiness on my part is accidental.
      My point in mentioning the total number of violent crimes is that originally, it had been mentioned that with the long term decreases in violent crime, people wishing to carry for personal defense were being paranoid.

      "as I stated above, there is no factual reason why one needs to carry in our low crime current society."

      "Crime is lower than it has been in decades, where is the fear? "

      In fact, there was a recent post from someone with the initials, Laci said this,

      "Personally, I would seriously reconsider going to places in the US with insane gun laws that allow for people to carry weapons in public and kill other people."

      So, which is it? Is there so much violence here that foreign travelers should consider going elsewhere for their personal safety? Or has crime gotten so low that permit holders are being foolish in their perception of needing a firearm for personal defense.
      Most likely, the answer is somewhere in between. Not that long ago, people were fairly content with giving the government discretion in determining who has a suitable need to get a carry permit. Just as we were also content to entrust our other civil liberties to the government.
      However, as often happens with those wielding great power with little supervision, those trusts were violated and legislative remedies were enacted. Among them were laws mandating shall issue carry permits.
      When to carry is now an individual decision in the majority of the states. And with that decision comes the individual responsibility for use and misuse of these firearms. In fact, I don't know of any state that has repealed their shall issue permit system. I was pretty surprised when the Illinois legislature enacted a shall issue system. I expected them to come up with something like New Jersey's oppressive system.
      It has been mentioned here before that a majority of permit holders don't carry routinely as I do. Ironically, about the only time I journey into areas where I might in your eyes be justified in carrying, I'm legally barred from doing so since my Army Reserve drills normally take place in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.

    16. "Yet, someone's decision to carry a firearm for personal defense in a country in which over one million violent crimes occurred in 2012 is considered paranoid?"

      That's the tricky part, which I explained above.

    17. That just shows how gun crazy and violent our country is, it's both. Crime is WAY down but still greater than most foreign visitors are used to in their own country. If the rest of the world sees us as a violent and dangerous country, doesn't that give you pause to think we DO have a problem?
