Robert L. Dear
Fox News
The gunman in Friday’s shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood Friday was identified by Colorado Springs police Saturday as Robert L. Dear.
Police said Dear is 57. They also released a mug photo.
The shooter is from North Carolina, an unidentified law enforcement official told AP. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak about the ongoing investigation.
Three people, including one police officer, were killed in Friday’s attack. The gunman was taken into custody after an hours-long standoff and shootout. Authorities have yet to determine a motive behind the shooting or whether the gunman had any connection to Planned Parenthood.
The important question to me right now is did this kill open carry???
ReplyDeleteThe important question to me right now is did this kill open carry???
DeleteI very strongly doubt that such a tragedy will be part of the fallout from this incident.
But hey--how 'bout that Colorado 16-round magazine ban? Worked like a charm, didn't it?
You sound pleased. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, being the fanatic that you are.
DeleteYou sound pleased.
DeleteNope. This really didn't tell me anything I didn't know already about the effectiveness of such a ban.
129 dead in a gun control paradise from Islamic extremism and Mike is quiet. 3 dead in a "gun friendly" state from a Christian extremist and we can count on Mike to be on it with his intrepid reporting.
ReplyDeleteYou know very well my main focus is the US. And I think I already responded to this ridiculous observation of yours, didn't I?
DeleteYour focus is on whatever you think makes your ideas look good. You have plenty of posts about Western Europe, UK, Australia, as long as it's "look how good things are over there". You don't want to draw attention to a mass shooting that is an order of magnitude worse than in the US, do you?
DeleteI swear I did not omit posting about that for any of those reasons. You're gotcha habit is getting out of control.
DeleteIt's always right wing gun loons who do the killing. Do left wing anti gun loons ever kill with guns? M
ReplyDeleteWell, there's this guy,
And this guy,
ALMOST always. How's that, better?
DeleteSS always thinks one example in a country of 310 million, is undeniable evidence. Laughable.
Delete"SS always thinks one example in a country of 310 million, is undeniable evidence. "
DeleteThose two came quickly to mind that we had discussed latelt here Anon. Another that comes to mind now is Jared Loughner, the person who shot Congressperson Giffords and others.
The President is now using this event to make another plea for an assault weapon ban, even though the majority of gun crime is committed with handguns. BTW here are the latest numbers on that. The FBI data for 2014 is out,
I cant recall which, but Brady or Everytown has been claiming that most mass shootings don't occur in gun free zones. But of course, that reduces the percentage of those crimes committed by those scary rifles.
I don't really care about the motivation of whoever tries to commit these acts because you aren't going to change the beliefs of whomever is willing to resort to violence such as this.
However, you can make it stop by the proper application of return fire.
Laughable, you got 3 now out of 355 mass killings just this year.
DeleteThat's the same kind of paranoid, irrational fear that 12,000 gun shot deaths per year out of a population of 310 million, shows a NEED to carry a gun. Get mental help.
"Laughable, you got 3 now out of 355 mass killings just this year."
DeleteWell Anon, you're having issues with terminology again. Recently, the gun control lobby has been pushing the mass shooting tracker which is a Reddit site that tracks mass shootings, which departs from the FBI definition of four or more killed. The reddit site uses the definition of four or more people shot.
I actually kind of agree with the reddit definition because it seems disingenuous to not included those wounded. The challenge being is that throwing the change in midstream makes it a challenge to track trends.
"That's the same kind of paranoid, irrational fear that 12,000 gun shot deaths per year out of a population of 310 million, shows a NEED to carry a gun."
We've gone round and round about this before Anon, but we can do it again. Well if you get to use the mass shooting statistic which counts people who aren't killed, then I should be able to also.
So as of 2014, the FBI reports that just over 1.1 MILLION violent crimes occurred in the US. Doesn't sound paranoid at all when you use that number.
"Brady or Everytown has been claiming that most mass shootings don't occur in gun free zones."
DeleteI never heard such a thing. It's your side which used to claim that ALL of them do until it became clear it just wasn't so.
"I never heard such a thing."
Actually the claim I think you're referring to is that mass shooters pick the target because they're gun free zones. And I recall that I have actually agreed with you on this in the past.
Did I miss somewhere, the reporting of the shooter's political affiliation?
ReplyDeleteYeah, he was probably a lefty gun control fanatic, pro-choice guy who just went off the deep end.
DeleteYet you didn't answer the question. Telling.
DeleteYeah, that's really telling. You got me, man.
DeleteLest we forget, eleven dead since 1993 in anti-abortion clinic violence. h/t to the Los Angeles Times.
ReplyDeleteThe guy who killed Dr. Britton:
Paul Hill, a former Christian minister convicted of the killings, once told a television audience, “I'm advocating the consistent theology of the Bible, and that is that we must protect innocent life.”
The guy who killed Lee Ann Nichols:
As he opened fire on her and others, Salvi shouted, “This is what you get! You should pray the rosary!”
The guy who killed Robert Sanderson:
Eric Rudolph pleaded guilty to that incident and the bombings of an Atlanta abortion clinic, a lesbian nightclub and the 1996 Summer Olympics. The inclusion of violence against a lesbian nightclub is further circumstantial evidence pointing to a contemporary right-wing, Christian political bent.
The guy that killed Dr. Barnett Slepian:
“The more that they come after me, the more I will dig in,” was killed only days after authorities had warned clinics of possible attacks. James Kopp was sentenced to 25 years to life. At sentencing he said, “I wish I could do 10 life sentences or 10 death penalties” to save the unborn.
As far as the guy that killed Dr. George Tiller. I think that the wikipedia article about his assassination includes enough information about killer, Scott Roeder, to classify him as “right-wing.” He was a member of the Sovereign Citizen movement. He was also known to have contributed material to publisher David Leach’s “Prayer and Action News,” a publication that has called the killing of abortion providers justifiable homicide. David Leach also published, “The Army of God” manual which advocated the killing of abortion providers and contained instructions for making bombs.
Three more dead today. I guess we all heard the infamous “No more baby parts!” quote. Who was it, Carly Fiorina or Mike Huckabee? Something about selling baby parts like Buick parts? The doctored videos from Breitbart.com that even worried sane republican, John Boehner?
Look. Right-wing is a vile epithet. It does not apply to normal conservative libertarians or republicans. Independent or otherwise. This vile perversion of christianity is not to be blamed on gun enthusiasts or gun owners. But it is a right-wing phenomenon in the U.S. today. Granted, left-wing does not carry this heavy baggage. I know plenty of left-leaning Christians who oppose abortion. Wouldn’t that include Hillary? I know for a fact that liberal politicians espouse policies that are far more likely to reduce the number of abortions than hypocritical, misguided republican politicians.
Yep, those pro-lifers take a lot of lives.