Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hunting in Italy

via Beppe Grillo's Blog

In the 2010/2011 hunting season there were 100 victims, 25 dead and 75 injured. Mostly in Tuscany, Sardinia, Lombardy and Veneto. Overall it went well, considering that for months Italy is transformed into a shooting range. A wood is more dangerous than the war zones of Afghanistan. During an Autumn walk, the sound of birds singing is replaced by the roar of rifles. If you don’t run, you become the wild boar, the hare or the deer. And not even within the walls of your own home are you safe. “Our house is in a zone frequented by hunters in Ceglie. At times you happen to hear gun fire even when it’s the closed season for hunting. It happens that the hunters are shooting at a distance of 10-15 metres from my house. One morning in January, at the first light of dawn, while we were asleep, we were woken with a start by a loud sound of glass shattering. A blast of lead shot had hit the window of the bedroom where my sons (aged 15.11 and 5) sleep, shattering the glass” (12/9/2010)
Hunting is sick, just like gun ownership in general. And, just like with gun ownership, only a small percentage of hunters is a problem. But that small percentage is too high.

What do you think? Please leave a comment.


  1. "Hunting is sick, just like gun ownership in general. And, just like with gun ownership..."

    Because killing your meat in a processing plant with a hammer or running an electric drill into their skull is so much better.

  2. I agree with FatWhiteMan and I'm a liberal. Dude, I grew up amongst all sorts of guns from pistols and rifles long before I ever touched one in the military, if I dared to even think about doing something stupid with a weapon my granddad had his foot up against my backside.

    He took weapon safety very serious and all the civilians I have ever been around do the same. Like I said, I'm all for Gay marriage and adoption, I'm a confirmed tree hugger, and I hate most if not all corporations who I believe are pushing the American worker towards a form of slavery so I am comfortable with my liberal identity.

    Also, applying your logic against firearms, which like anything else can be abused, we need to ban cars, planes, trains, and just about every other facet of modern technology. If this pisses you off I'm sorry.

  3. Small percentages do not bother me. I'll be concerned when the percentages are big, i.e. 50% and up.

  4. Mikeb302000:

    I do not view hunting as a sickness. Unfortunately there are a lot of hunters out there who are idiots. The sickness isn't in taking game. The sickness is in being so ignorant, arrogant and inconsiderate that you put your pleasure ahead of the safety and peaceful enjoyment of life by those who live where you hunt.

    Beach Bum:

    I've been around a lot of people with guns and, unlike you, I've met oodles of them who are not at all careful about how they store or handle their weapons. I lived with someone for a while who told me that he had made a
    "sound shot" one day and then, not too long after, told me about some fucking moron who had done the same thing when he was in his tree stand and might have been hit. Apparently his Iron-O-Matic 5000 was in the shop that day.

  5. Mikey's sense of self importanceMay 30, 2011 at 9:28 AM

    Hunting is sick, just like gun ownership in general. And, just like with gun ownership, only a small percentage of hunters is a problem. But that small percentage is too high.

    And with a statement like this we are supposed to think that you are to be trusted regarding the rights of the law abiding...... Go Fvck yourself commie.....

  6. Dear Beach Bum, Thanks for the comment. I especially like arguments from liberal gun owners, that doesn't piss me off at all.

    You said, Also, applying your logic against firearms, which like anything else can be abused, we need to ban cars, planes, trains, and just about every other facet of modern technology.

    I think you misunderstood my position. I'm for background checks on all gun sales, I'm for licensing of all gun owners and registration of all guns. I have some ideas about safe storage in the home and concealed and open carry, but nowhere in my philosophy is there anything about "bans."

    In fact if I had it my way, lawful gun owners would be little affected, but criminals and mental defectives would be harder pressed to get their hands on guns.
