Saturday, June 4, 2011

Louisiana Does the Right Thing

The News Star reports

Legislation allowing concealed weapons on public university campuses thankfully was shot down again this week.

Rep Ernest Wooton, I-Belle Chasse and chairman of the Louisiana House's Criminal Justice Committee, has repeatedly attempted to pass this legislation, maintaining that it would improve an individual's chances for safety in a threatening environment.

That thought is well-intentioned, but the logic is faulty. No college campus needs students, faculty and staff wandering around packing guns, waiting for the next opportunity for a shoot-out.

This time, the legislative committee didn't even listen to testimony, silencing the bill on an 8-3 vote.
Doesn't it seem odd that a state like Louisiana, which one might associate with the Deep South, seems to have more sense than Arizona or Florida?

What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it seem odd that a state like Louisiana, which one might associate with the Deep South, seems to have more sense than Arizona or Florida?

    You are oversimplifying. Sure California and New York lead the way. Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City. These are the most sophisticated cities in our fair nation. But shoot an arrow across the Hudson and you're in a land governed by a big fat fuckhead with an ass the size of a prize-winning pumpkin. (Something that grows quite well in the Garden State.) Maybe the south is at a disadvantage just because of the weather and the heritage of slavery, Jim Crow and institutionalized segregation. Florida gave us Bush v. Gore in 2000 and by no means can be forgiven at this early date. But American ingenuity thrives in all fifty states. Not just the blue states we like. Intelligent and wonderful conservatives and republicans live acroos the U.S.A. The problem with politics in general in the good ole U.S.A. is that it's a lot like betting on horses. Unfortunately instead of checking the consensus on the track record of each individual horse, we all just vote for one of two teams.

    Right now the republican team is illing.
