Thursday, November 17, 2011

Don't Hire Lauren Pierce

Lauren Pierce, University of Texas, President of the College Republicans:

At 2:29 p.m. ET, UT’s Lauren E. Pierce wrote: “Y’all as tempting as it may be, don’t shoot Obama. We need him to go down in history as the WORST president we’ve EVER had! #2012.”

Jeebus.  Everything is bigger in Texas--especially the stupid.


  1. He's only preaching restraint, you know how bloodthirsty we evil rethuglicans get......

  2. Tommy:

    His speech is protected, up until it incites violence. I would defend that right, as odious as I find a piece of shit like him.

    Now, the thing you gotta ask yourself is how you'd feel if the leader of the YCM* or the YCDFH* started making "toungue in cheek" comments about a republican sitting U.S. President (or whoever it is that you support--out of the grabbag of misfits currently vying for the oval office, in opposition to Mr. Obama). I'm not sure about you, but I'm dead certain that the Glennie Bek's and Rush Blimpo's of the reichwing would be foaming at the mouth--whoops, I mean they'd be foaming MORE at the mouth.

    * Young College Mooslims, Young College Dirty Fucking Hippies.

  3. Now, the thing you gotta ask yourself is how you'd feel if the leader of the YCM* or the YCDFH* started making "toungue in cheek" comments about a republican sitting U.S. President...

    Right back at you commie...

    Their right to speech is protected, up until they incite violence. I would defend that right as I would also defend their right to bear arms, as odious as I find a pieces of shit like them.
