Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Smart Bullets

At 4 inches long and a half-inch in diameter, the bullet directs itself like a tiny guided missile and can hit a target more than a mile away.

It's designed to twist and turn, making up to 30 corrections per second.
This isn't the only nifty and costly little toy they're working on.

Defense department researchers and contractors are already developing flying nano-bots that can stream live video, contact lenses that would allow soldiers to focus simultaneously on virtual digital images and their surroundings, and smartphone apps that help with tactical operations.
What's your opinion? Does a report like this help explain why military spending for development is so high? Or does it highlight the absurdity of its excess?

What do you think? Please leave a comment.


  1. Interesting, if it works. We can know for a near certainty that our enemies will have an advantage in numbers and assymetric power. The way to overcome that is with technology and brains.

  2. The future of warfare is in the drone technology. Soon we will have 14 year old kids playing "video games" and in reality they will be piloting planes and dropping bombs on our enemies. There really is no need for America to have ground forces capable of invading another country. When you can place a bomb within a 5' circle from 60,000 feet up, why ever risk someone's life on the ground?

  3. I find it hard to argue with what you guys say. Pacifism may be unrealistic, but the other extreme which is illustrated by the smart bullets and drone weapons is a sad alternative.

    Why can't we all just get along?

    1. Because there are bad people in this world, including the source of your question. Human beings have a streak of violence running through them. Many of us learn to control and channel that, but it's still within us. Pacifism is an illusion. I've known "peaceful" people. What I could see is that they were merely suppressing their impulses, and those inevitably came out in arrogance and anger toward anyone who disagreed.
