Monday, December 31, 2012

Both Sides of the Assault Weapons Ban Debate

via TTAG



    orlin sellers

    1. That's pretty funny but I thought you didn't blame it on the movies. If the gun violence is not because of the movies, what's wrong with being an actor in action films and also having a gun control opinion?

    2. Explain why you want to take the guns of law-biding citizens, but not from actors and actresses. Either you want gun control or you don't. You people just cannot be consistent.

      You want gun free zones, fine, turn the White House and Capitol Hill into gun free zones, too. Or, are some pigs more equal than others?

      orlin sellers

  2. Funny how it's reads both sides, yet his side is cut off before he can finish.

  3. The "armed guards" at Columbine were both outside. One took a shot at one of the boys from sixty yards away. That's not what we've been talking about, and you know it.

    It's good to see that Graham is standing firm. He won't be alone.

    1. Because they were outside the school it somehow doesn't count?

    2. Tactically, it makes a huge difference. No concrete block walls for cover, and a 60 yard shot like Greg cites is a Long range shot for a handgun, but still attainable for the shotguns the shooters had.

      The cops were outgunned considering the circumstances. Had they been inside the school, the cops might have closed the distance and put an end to their spree.

    3. Yes, the two shooters were inside. The "guards" didn't enter the building. They weren't employees of the school or assigned to it. By contrast, a guard inside or an armed teacher would have had an easier shot and possible cover. They would know the building and the people.

    4. Sure, Greg, keep telling yourself that. And while you're at it, why don't you provide us with a couple examples were armed guards have stopped a mass shooting. It's come out lately that 1/3 of schools do have armed guards. Where are all the success stories?


      Here's one from just up the road from me. It didn't get national or worldwide attention because the toll was so small. This is usually the case when an armed perosn intervenes, whether an individual or a cop.

      Similarly, it wasn't publicized nationally, but the Appalachian school of law shooter was subdued by 3 students, two of whom were off duty or former cops, and one of whom was a regular joe, who ran to their cars, got their carry guns, and ran back onto campus. Two within an hour of me. Anyone else have examples?

    6. The armed guards at Columbine saved lives ... period:

    7. First of all you need to get Greg on board with your interpretation. He seems to be excusing the fact that the armed guards did not help on the fact that they were outside.

      Now, you've found an interpretation that says they actually did help.

      I don't agree. When it takes 5 whole minutes to engage the shooters, the armed intervention is worthless.

    8. An armed teacher could have responded in seconds.

    9. my guess is that the 1/3 of schools that have guards haven't had an incident b/c of those guards...funny how that works, isn't it..

    10. "First of all you need to get Greg on board with your interpretation. He seems to be excusing the fact that the armed guards did not help on the fact that they were outside."

      Not at all. The armed guards clearly saved lives. The fact that they were outside limited how many lives were saved.

      No contradiction at all.

  4. ARs aren't good defensive weapons. Ok, Dianne!

    1. It appears that she got her carry license and gun without giving the matter much attention. Typical for her side, seeing guns as a magic wand and then wanting to restrict the rest of us from having that power.
