Monday, May 6, 2013

Colorado Man Injured in Self-inflicted Accidental Shooting

ABC news reports

Authorities say a 24-year-old Colorado man accidentally shot himself while cleaning his handgun.

Police say the man, whose name has not been released, was sitting in his vehicle in Colorado Springs when he spilled soda on the gun Saturday afternoon. The man wiped the gun clean, and the weapon accidentally discharged as he was replacing the magazine.

He was taken to a hospital in fair condition after suffering injuries to his left hand, left thigh and left calf.

The gun didn't accidentally discharge.  He negligently handled it. 


  1. Automobile accidents are caused by the negligence of one or both parties, but we still call them accidents.

  2. The gun didn't accidentally discharge. He negligently handled it.

    What's your point? I realize that you blame every gun owner, or at least every gun rights advocate, for every negative outcome involving guns. Is it also our fault that ABC News' wording has failed to meet your high standards of commentary?

    1. He's accused us of pressuring editors into protecting gun owners by calling these accidents in the past, Kurt.

      It's all our fault. Everything.

    2. He's accused us of pressuring editors into protecting gun owners by calling these accidents in the past, Kurt.

      It's all our fault. Everything.

      Ah--thanks for clearing that up. It hadn't occurred to me that even he would try to accuse us of being puppet masters pulling the strings of the "pro-gun media."

      Like ABC News ;-).

    3. The mental disorder runs deep.

    4. And he expects the media, which still has to used the word "alleged" when referring to the Boston Bombers to avoid libel, to pronounce judgment of negligence at first report of an unintended discharge.

      Don't blame us, Mike, blame the lawyers.

    5. Not to mention his shrieking indignation that no one is immediately jailed every time a kid takes a bullet--before it's ascertained who was responsible, or even if a crime was committed.

    6. Kurt, that's a bit of a twist from what I actually say. I would like the responsible person to be jailed, not before it's ascertained who it is. I'm saying it shouldn't take a lengthy investigation to determine that. And there's always a crime involved, or at least the negligence required to instigate one of these incidents should be considered a crime.

    7. Kurt, that's a bit of a twist from what I actually say.

      Just, as always, calling 'em like I see 'em.

    8. i listened to a discussion today on "Talk of the Nation" about how investigations and trials are not as they appear on television. Mikeb, you want someone arrested on the scene that day. Things take time.

    9. Yeah, it takes time to determine if he's white enough and fat enough and Republican enough to merit the slap on the wrist treatment.

    10. Yeah, it takes time to determine if he's white enough and fat enough and Republican enough to merit the slap on the wrist treatment.

      That's Mikeb, for ya'--just one dissociative identity disorder away from becoming a hate group.
