Think Progress
In Jersey City, Mayor Steven Fulop (D) is undertaking a small step toward gun safety at the local level through the process for soliciting gun vendors. He will disseminate a survey to all vendors bidding to supply firearms to local law enforcement asking how they handle gun safety issues, including whether they take steps to prevent illegal gun trafficking. In responding to the initiative, National Rifle Association Board Member Scott Bach blasted Fulop on NRA News, citing the fact that Fulop’s grandparents were Holocaust survivors as a reason why he should “get it.”
Comparing gun control to the Holocaust is one of a number of faulty and offensive analogiesthe gun rights movement has used to illegitimize gun reform measures. The NRA and others have repeatedly claimed that gun violence prevention is like Hitler’s fascism because Hitler took away the guns of Holocaust victims, who could have overcome the regime if they had them. This claim has been repeatedly debunked as both logically and historically inaccurate, because, unsurprisingly, taking away guns was only one of infinite ways in which the Nazis suppressed an uprising. That’s probably why even those who did acquire guns wereunsuccessful in fighting back.
People who violate rights are all of the same kind. There are different degrees within that evil type, but the nature of it is the same.
ReplyDeleteGreg agrees, no surprise.
DeleteThe Mayor has not violated anyone's rights.
Typical bigoted, racist, lying coward gun loon.
And don't forget he's one who subscribes to that theory about gun control having been responsible for the holocaust.
DeleteAnonymous, feel free to show me any racist statements that I've made.
DeleteMikeb, I've said that the Shoah was the result of many things, but that had people stood up to Hitler early on, he could have been stopped.
The site liar has proven he knows nothing about History, and then lies about History to try and make his bigoted, racist points.
DeleteHitlers machine ran over the countries in Europe, but according to Greg if Jews had guns they could have defeated Hitler.
the Jews did have guns. Something Greg also lies about while making his antisemitic slurs.
The scum repeats the biggest lie about Jews to come out of WW II. Only Jew haters repeat this lie, as the site liar does.
Then blame England who gave other peoples land to Hitler; but no, you have to spew antisemetic Jew hat.
DeleteTricky Greg in his double talking way now says, "had people stood up to Hitler early on, he could have been stopped"
DeleteBut what we were talking about was the wild claim that because the Jews were deprived of their guns the Holocaust was able to happen.
Mikeb, I've said all along that being armed gives people a better chance. There are no guarantees, but being unarmed doesn't lead to much success.
DeleteAnonymous, I'm still waiting for you to show any statement of mine that is antisemitic.
That was proven months ago, see archives.
DeleteYeah, Greg, being armed gives people a much better chance of shooting themselves in the foot and it gives them a much much better chance of having their gun stolen. Both those possibilities far outweigh the remote possibility that they'll one day use the gun to save the day. And don't forget those two examples are by no means the only ways their gun can be misused.
DeleteYou have proven it with your own words. No need for me to repeat your antisemetic words, in fact, I don't want to repeat your Jew hate.
DeleteMikeb, you wildly exaggerate the risks of gun ownership and ignore the benefits. If you don't want to be armed, that's your choice. Millions of Americans make a different choice, and it's none of your concern.
DeleteIt is my concern when half a million guns are stolen each year because you idiots don't have the common sense to safely store your guns.
DeleteIt's none of my concern that 33,000 people die every year from gun shots? That's your anti social criminal position. As a citizen I do care about 33,000 gunshot deaths a year. We know you don't, you have said so a hundred times.
DeleteThen punish the criminals who steal, Mikeb.
DeleteBut don't punish the criminals whose negligence with guns cause harm and death. That's right, according to you there is no negligence, just accidents. HA HA Next lie.
DeleteWe do punish criminals who steal but we don't punish jerkoffs who leave their guns around as easy pickin's. That't the problem.
DeleteBecause we shouldn't punish property owners when their legal property is stolen. You're displaying the false notion of distributed responsibility again.
DeleteYou start out lying, by saying the Jews had no guns, and go on to prove your ignorance. Read up on armed Jews in Hitlers Germany and other Jews in other countries in WW II. You are nothing but an ignorant lying jack ass,