Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What do Gun Control Advocates Mean by "Gun Control?"

Last year after another horrible accidental shooting made headlines, someone pointed out that “we don’t want to control your guns. We want YOU to control your guns.” It’s a line I’ve parroted here many times because it’s so true. The fact that we have so many gun accidents, mass shootings, gun crime with stolen weapons, etc. is proof that gun owners cannot control their own guns.
Case in point: this good piece on the absence of responsibility and gun safety from our national conversation on guns. This quote from Ladd Everitt, of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, resonates:
“There’s no reasonability and no discussion about what one’s responsibility should be. It’s long past due to have a serious discussion about the responsibilities that come with these Second Amendment rights.”
I don’t understand why this has been ignored. It’s all “mah rahts!” and full stop. The gun loonz shout over anyone who dares point out that not all gun owners are the most responsible ever, and even the most responsible gun owner has moments of being irresponsible. It’s as if merely owning a gun makes them “one of us” and they don’t need to be accountable for their behavior, ever.


  1. The NRA talks about responsibility and safety constantly. Don't you read their magazines or listen to their news show? They also spend tons of money promoting safety and responsilbility. How much money does the CSGV spend teaching gun safety and responsibility?

    1. That's nice that they talk about "responsibility and safety constantly", but talking is different from actually putting into practise. For example, the NRA has consistently opposed laws which require firearms owners to report lost or stolen firearm, which should be a no brainer. I also remember the "pro-gun" side talking about how Smith and Wesson "betrayed" the gun community when they entered into an agreement with the Clinton administration.

      Likewise, if you are talking about "responsibility" the "may issue" CCW laws were proposed by the handgun owners association, which later amalgamated into the NRA, in the 1930s, yet these laws are now considered "oppressive".

      I personally find the "pro-gun" stand to be counterproductive in that it relaxes firearms laws and makes it easier for criminals to have access to firearms. Many of the laws which are being relaxed are ones which were once acceptable to the NRA.

      So, it's nice to say the NRA "spend tons of money promoting safety and responsilbility", but the reality is actually quite different.

    2. Laci, just because you think a law would make us safer doesn't mean it's so.

    3. You would have no idea if a law works, or not given you never follow the law anyways. Now back to you chasing down a drug dealer (who never did anything to you) with your gun, criminal.

    4. Anonymous, libel is against the law. If you have evidence that I am a criminal, present it. Otherwise, you're no better than you claim me to be.

    5. I just stated it, from your own words.
      You lose lying criminal coward.
      You have been losing and making yourself look exactly as I describe you, ever since I posted your own words that prove you are a lying criminal coward. And thanks for continuing to prove me correct.

  2. I was a member of the NRA for decades. The NRA is not what it used to be and I won't pay dues to an organization that has Ted Nugent on its board.

  3. We know what gun control advocates mean: total civilian disarmament. Nothing less than that will satisfy you. Why bother denying that? We can't trust you, and nothing you've ever done indicates that you want something other than what I identified.

  4. "total civilian disarmament."
    Another lie from the site cowardly liar.
