Thursday, April 5, 2012

Everything But Guns is Banned at the Republican National Convention in Tampa FL

After listing all the banned items at the site of the Republican National Convention, including light bulbs and bicycle locks, he concludes

But have no fear. While they have banned everything from paintball guns to water guns and ice chests and umbrellas, they have made sure that no protester has to go completely unarmed. Anyone can carry a concealed firearm -- as long as they have a concealed-carry permit. And that is not a hard permit to get. In some states, all it requires is the payment of a small fee.
What do you think? Is that Florida something else, or what?

Please leave a comment.


  1. "Is that Florida something else, or what?"

    Lol, sure is. I'm only LOLing because... hey, it's more fun than crying in despair, right? I Lived in various suburbs of Tampa/St Petersburg for nearly 2 years while I was in USA, and I enjoyed most of it. But... the one thing that struck me as rather odd was the number of cops. It felt like there were more cops than ordinary people. Real asshole cops too.

  2. Is Florida something else? No. It led the way in the current licensing movement, and now forty states are either close to or identical with its approach. The trend is in the direction that Florida started in 1987. The something else states are getting fewer in number, and national reciprocity may put them out of their misery and into good status soon.

  3. Don't old people go there to die?

  4. "Is Florida something else? No. It led the way in the current licensing movement, and now forty states are either close to or identical with its approach. The trend is in the direction that Florida started in 1987. The something else states are getting fewer in number, and national reciprocity may put them out of their misery and into good status soon."

    Greg Camp won't be happy until he gets to bag a perp for insulting him or attempting to take his pocket cash. An armed and polite society? I think not.

  5. Wow Demo - you have a quote from Greg saying he wants to "bag a perp for insulting him" or was that just a lie?

  6. "Greg Camp won't be happy until he gets to bag a perp for insulting him or attempting to take his pocket cash. "

    Keep posting DC, you do us more harm than good with every word you write.

    Good job, comrade.

  7. Florida has become a cesspool of gun crime as well as the national hub for prescription drug abuse. Don't you remember when I awarded them the crown?

  8. Oh, I'm sorry, did I say that Greg Camp had said;

    "I won't be happy until I get to bag a perp for insulting me or attempting to take my pocket cash." ?

    I'm sure if I did that you will provide a copy of that.

    1. In other words, you made an interpretation about my beliefs and desires. If I did the same with you, you'd call it a lie.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Demo - I am having a hard time keeping up with your agruement logic. When greg makes a statement of opinion about left wing politicans throwing money at a problem without thinking you expect him to provide a quote of someone saying those words exactly or he is lying. When you make a statement that Greg wants to shoot people for insulting him, you do not feel you have to provide a quote of him saying that and you are not lying.

      Also, when Greg makes the same assumption as Mikeb about a person being a drug dealer you call Greg a liar but have no comments or complaints about Mikeb labeling the same person as a drug dealer. You seem hung up on trying to prove Greg to be a liar.

  9. "In other words, you made an interpretation about my beliefs and desires. If I did the same with you, you'd call it a lie."

    Now you're denying that you've said that you wii shoot someone who you percieve to be a threat to your person or property?

    Are you also denying that you've said that your hero, Wild Bill Hickok knew how to deal with someone who insulted him, by shooting them? When you mentioned that trait of his was while you were defending your silly-ass portrayal of yourself as a "gunslinger" in that ridiculous photograph of you in a faux cowboy outfit.

    It's not a case of my "interpreting" anything; extrapolation, perhaps but not interpretation. You either believed that those things are permissible if not de riguer in dealing with the "goblins" as you like to characterize people whom you view as dangerous or you didn‘t. I’m leanin’ towards you’re lovin’ the idea of bein’ able to mete out some vigilante “justice”.

    If you'd prefer not to be viewed as a blowhard and a buffoon you might consider not making buffoonish comments.

    1. I've said that responding with deadly force is appropriate if someone puts my life in immediate danger. What I said about Hickok was a discussion of history, not current affairs. Of course, you can't discuss something without having a visceral reaction to it, so I can understand why you're confused about what I said.

      I'll leave the rest of your comment alone.

    2. I think democommie interpreted your attitude quite accurately, and without resorting to name calling.

      Brave, democommie.

    3. Not really--but this illustrates the inadequacy of simplistic hypotheses to understand human beings.

  10. "I think democommie interpreted your attitude quite accurately, and without resorting to name calling."

    Then why did you delete one of his comments???

  11. "Not really--but this illustrates the inadequacy of simplistic hypotheses to understand human beings."

    Do you completely lack self-awareness.

    Simplistic hypothesis: "An armed = a polite society." is based on what?

    1. 1. I find the saying that an armed society is a polite society to be a shorthand way of expressing the observation that when there are no consequences to rudeness, there are people have little motivation to being polite. The Internet is a prime example.

      2. The simplistic hypotheses are that we who own and carry guns do so because we're afraid. Or that we're carrying to compensate for small penises. Or that we're looking to kill someone. But do keep clinging to your delusions.
