Monday, October 1, 2012

Lawful Gun Owners

They don't ALL do stuff like this, but too many of them. And you know why, because there's inadequate qualifying for gun ownership.


  1. Mikeb, do you believe that it is a person's right to hurt himself? That's what this all comes down to. I belong to myself. That means that if I hurt myself, it's my business. If I hurt someone else, that's a different story. You seem to accept E.N.'s belief that we belong to the state.

  2. Mikeb said: " And you know why, because there's inadequate qualifying for gun ownership."

    I've noticed that there's inadequate qualifying for voters.
    orlin sellers

  3. Oh, and to repeat Mikeb's overused phrase, they (voters) do more harm than good.
    orlin sellers

  4. While there is a tiny percentage of gun owners out there that do stupid things with guns, this video seems like a fake. This could be a good PSA for hunting season, though.
