AnonymousFebruary 19, 2013 at 9:05 PM
will do nothing to stop crime. Criminals don't follow the law. Do you
really think that the cops will help you if you call 911? The courts
have ruled that the police have no duty to stop crime, only to take the
report. I hope that someday you or one of your love ones are injured,
raped or killed. Then you will find out how important a firearm is.....
ReplyDeleteI know this guy is typical in his mindless repetition of that which others have mindlessly repeated. Much of it starts with the NRA and their frequent public declarations of nonsense.
I suspect he's also typical in wishing harm on gun control advocates. What red-blooded American gun enthusiast wouldn't love to enjoy a bit of schadenfreude at the expense of a "gun grabber?"
What do you think? Please leave a comment.
Mikeb, how many times have we seen Nickxdanger express his desire, either by pseudonym or anonymously, to see gun owners or their families killed? Do you recall Laci and Democommie stating their wish to see me harmed? (Before you get irritable, remember that Laci veiled his comments.)
ReplyDeleteMore than that, how often are gun control freaks dismissive, implying that their opponents aren't worth the respect of listening to? That is not a physical harm. In fact, it's much worse, since it rejects the humanity of the other person.
Get your own house in order before you go instructing others.
Greg, I don't think the folks "in my house" have made as direct and ugly a wish for harm as this commenter did to me. Don't bother to search for examples. The point is, what this anonymous idiot said to me is what many of you think but don't have the nerve to say and it's what many more of you have deep down in your dark minds.
DeleteMikeb, you call me a liar when I name what I see as your hidden intentions and desires--namely, to eliminate all privately held firearms. In Nick's case, though, there's nothing hidden. How many times has he "prayed the prayer of St. Gunsel" that gun owners and their families come to harm?
DeleteBut the gun people that I know, and I'm including myself in this, want no innocent person harmed, whether that person is armed or not.
LOL, uh.......Greg, I don't think 'gunsel' means what you think it means. Your vocabulary needs work.
DeleteI can only hope you do better with Chaucer than you do with Dashiel Hammett.
The problem of course is in your meaning of 'innocent'.
The 'prayer of St. Gunsel' was made up by a right wing gun troll who pretends to be liberal and anti-gun.
DeleteThere of course is no St. Gunsel, and no such prayer, and 'gunsel' is slang for homosexual, specifically a younger gay man in a relationship with an older homosexual.
It was put into the film The Maltese Falcon, and got past the censors because they also thought it had something to do with guns.
from dictionary.com
Word Origin & History
1914, Amer. Eng., from hobo slang, "a catamite;" specifically "a young male kept as a sexual companion, esp. by an older tramp," from Yiddish genzel, from Ger. Gänslein "gosling, young goose." The secondary, non-sexual meaning "young hoodlum" seems to be entirely traceable to Dashiell Hammett, who
snuck it into "The Maltese Falcon" (1939) while warring with his editor over the book's racy language.
" 'Another thing,' Spade repeated, glaring at the boy: 'Keep that gunsel away from me while you're making up your mind. I'll kill him.' "
The context implies some connection with gun and a sense of "gunman," and evidently the editor bought it. The word was retained in the script of the 1941 movie made from the book, so evidently the Motion Picture Production Code censors didn't know it either.
"The relationship between Kasper Gutman (Sidney Greenstreet) and his young hit-man companion, Wilmer Cook (Elisha Cook, Jr.), is made fairly clear in the movie, but the overt mention of sexual perversion would have been deleted if the censors hadn't made the same mistaken assumption as Hammett's editor." [Hugh Rawson, "Wicked Words," 1989, p.184]
Dog Gone, I was quoting Nick's line. I know what gunsel means. But since you won't believe me unless I show you, here's my evidence:
Look at Nick's comment at 4:10 p.m. He's made similar remarks many times.
Once again, Dog Gone, I expect you to apologize for making unwarranted statements about me. An honorable person would do so.
Mikeb, comment moderation creates a false view of the conversation here. I responded to Dog Gone's attack on me soon after it appeared, but she got to slide in more snide remarks before my response was posted.
DeleteDog Gone, if you look at what I said, you'll see that I was pointing out Nick's comments as an example of people on your side expressing a desire to see gun owners harmed. Now you claim that he's a fake. That's possible, just as much as it's possible that E.N., et al. are trolls. You may be a troll, given how dismissive and unwilling to carry on a discussion you are.
The point does remain that you claimed I didn't know something that I know well. Again, I'll entertain your apology.
I disagree with your comment on wishing harm being "typical." I know that none of my shooting friends, that I am aware of, has ever wished harm on a gun control advocate. In fact, I'm sure you are at least familiar (regardless of whether you agree with it or not) of the theme of "Why are liberals so violent?" This is something that goes both ways. People on both sides of this fight frequently wish that we could just shut the mouthes of some of the idiots the have no mental filters, but I think one of the biggest differences is that it tends to happen less on the pro gun side. I don't believe we typically wish harm towards your side. I truly believe that. I also believe that when it does come our side, it gets played up to the extreme, such as when Ted Nugent was investigated by the Secret Service last year, and those comments he made were obviously in regards to defeating certain people with votes and not literally calling for their heads to be cut off. When liberals call for a gun-rights activist to be killed, maimed, or mutilated, nobody pays them much attention. But we both know it happens.
ReplyDeleteI think the intensity of your bias has distorted your vision.
DeleteGuns are sold by gunsuck gunstores to gunsuck gun runners. The gun runners depend on multiple sales, no background checks, and no registration of sales. This is a key issue, and you can tell if a gunsuck NRA gunloon is engaged in criminal behavior if he will not countenance any limitations on these activities. IPSO FACTO PROOF OF CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR.
ReplyDeleteSort of like saying a person who invokes his or her 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination must, of necessity, be engaged in criminal behavior. Absolute nonsense.
DeletePresuming Nick is for real and not an attempt to exaggerate the civilian disarmament side, he shows the danger of control freaks. When there aren't strict limits placed on government or societal power, no right is safe.
DeleteI have no desire to hurt any gun control advocate. I simply prefer the concept I've heard bandied about the internet. That you all move to the east coast, and we put up our own Iron curtain, separating all of us "horrible evil gun loving people" from you guys. That way you have what you all want, an unarmed society, and we have what we want, the ability to be armed. Win for everyone.
ReplyDeleteEven the commenter I posted about did not want to hurt me personally.
DeleteYour stupid iron curtain idea won't work because in your gun loving states little kids and abused women would suffer disproportionately. Gun control is what we need.