Saturday, September 7, 2013

Armed Protesters Might Be Coming To Your Neighborhood To Pass Out Candy To Children

Think Progress

The group Gun Rights Across America issued a nationwide call for gun owners to stand outside their homes with firearms in their hands on October 19. The event urges the armed protesters to “pass out candy or lemonade to the kids riding their bikes, and playing in the neighborhoods.” As of this Wednesday, 2,000 people have RSVPed for the event, “Guns Next Door,” on Facebook.
“We want you to strap on a holstered handgun to your hip, and give one hour of your day to making our presence as law abiding gun owners known. This is a family event too. Feel free to strap on a plastic red gun onto your children as well,” the group wrote for its Facebook event.
Maybe some of those kids will be able to reach out and touch those Glocks.


  1. You left out the part where the organization recommends complying with local laws.

  2. I found the article to be pretty slanted, though it's not a big surprise. Apparently the CSGV made a twitter statement that one blogger had some fun with.

    I personally am not big on trying to draw children into a political debate. While I see and understand the group's hope that it will show gun owners in a more positive light, as regular folk in the neighborhood, I don't believe this is the way.
    Discussing gun policy is grown-up stuff and either side trying to involve kids is wrong. The gun control groups, especially Moms Demand Action have been doing this quite often. And of course numerous politicians who need not be named have too.
