Monday, May 17, 2010

Who's Next

This has got to be one of the greatest rock albums of all time. Listening to it this morning I couldn't decide which song to post about. Who could choose from among such greats as Baba O'Riley (teenage wasteland) and Won't Get Fooled Again (new boss - old boss)?

So, when in doubt, I always pick the song with the gun reference. Which is your favorite?


  1. Wow, so many great songs to choose from, but I've always loved Getting In Tune and Behind Blue Eyes.

    I had no idea that Who's Next was originally supposed to be a futuristic sci-fi rock opera follow-up to Tommy. Have you ever read about the Lifehouse Chronicles? Really interesting stuff!

  2. Earl, I hadn't known about that kooky Lifehouse stuff. Great reading.

  3. So, when in doubt, I always pick the song with the gun reference. Which is your favorite?

    It really is not normal to be so obsessed with guns that you have to inject them into every conversation.

  4. RuffRidr and I agree again. Don't tell democommie and JadeGold, they might get jealous.
