Sunday, August 1, 2010

Be Prepared

We've discussed the need to be prepared for meteorite strikes before, but now, thanks to the Daily Telegraph, we see the danger is much greater.

Men who believe in being prepared, the Robert Farago types and the Nurse Xavier types, should take note. I'm seriously worried about them and all the guys who spend so much time and energy on protecting themselves against attack from their fellow man that they neglect the ever present danger from the skies.

What's your opinion? Do you think many gun owners are simply paranoid? They can write volumes about why they need the gun, but invariably (almost invariably) they'll report they've never needed it.

Please leave a comment.


  1. "They can write volumes about why they need the gun, but invariably (almost invariably) they'll report they've never needed it."

    I'm glad they never need it. I pray I never need mine but I also hope that if I do need it, I have it.

    If you prefer, there are plenty of news articles and blogs that write about times when someone did need a gun, rather they had one or not.

  2. "I'm glad they never need it. I pray I never need mine but I also hope that if I do need it, I have it."

    Here's why FWM's 'logic' leaves a lot to be desired. He insists he has to be armed to the teeth because he "might" need his gun one day. Yet, his chances of ever "needing" it are vanishingly small. OTOH, the risks he subjects himself to by being fat aren't.

  3. But, he can solve being unarmed by going to the store and spending about $300 to $800, depending upon what he wants.

    Assuming he really is a fat white man, he can't just buy a diet that makes him go from being fat to not fat.

    On other words, Jade, you're comparing an apple to an orange.

  4. MikeB, please identify which tool can be used for protection against meteorite strikes? Then perhaps all us paranoid people can carry one around.

  5. "Here's why FWM's 'logic' leaves a lot to be desired. He insists he has to be armed to the teeth because he "might" need his gun one day."

    Apply that same logic to our schools. Why would any of them need a fire extinguisher? The chances of a fire in a school are vanishingly small.

    Surely you would want them there anyway, just in case?

  6. In many, many years of driving I've never been in an accident where I needed my seatbelt.

    Using your "logic" it's paranoid for me to put my seatbelt on, since I've driven daily for YEARS and never needed it.

    It's sad how poor and easily refuted your arguments against gun ownership are.

  7. The problem with not needing a gun and pumping about 100 million of them into the society (that's the superflous ones), is that they provide the source for the guns used in crime and suicide and accidents.

    It's not a simple equation that if you need it you'll have it. It's a terrible mess because you (the millions of you) are not all careful and responsible with your property.
