Monday, January 21, 2013

Nine Pro-Life Republican Candidates who Lost in 2012

This one is for Greg who conveniently remembered only two. This is called a shellacking.

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  1. This shows that people want freedom to choose what they do. This is why so many people oppose citizen disarmament (gun control).

    Note: I advocate for freedom of choice in all matters until someone's choice harms another. The only reason I oppose abortion is because a women's abortion ends a human life -- which violates that baby's right to life. Unborn babies must have rights (such as life) otherwise rights are subject to arguments which means they are not rights at all.

    1. Nonsense. Abortion is good. Women need abortions for many reasons. You sound like a typical man.

      My wife and I contribute to funds to allow poor women to get needed abortions. Thank god for safe and legal abortion for women.

    2. Anonymous, the first one, are you crazy? A three-week-old fetus is not a human life, not by any definition. If you're a man, you should just shut the fuck up with your women's restrictions.

      "Unborn babies must have rights?" Is that so? Should those rights supersede those of the fully-grown adult mother?

      What if a bunch of women decided to tell men what they could and could not do with their reproductive functions, masturbation, for instance. Who in the world would stand for such nonsense?

    3. Mikeb said, ""Unborn babies must have rights?" Is that so? Should those rights supersede those of the fully-grown adult mother?"

      Well, let's see. If a woman has consensual sex, and assuming she isn't retarded, she knows if she isn't using some sort of pill or protection, she could get pregnant. This is voluntary. She has accepted, freely and voluntarily, the possibility that she may have tenant residing within her for about 9 months. Since this was a voluntary transaction, the owner of the property has certain obligations to that tenant. Now maybe you can explain how any landlord who decides to renege on a voluntary contract is legally justified to kill the tenant to void the contract.

      orlin sellers

    4. You're out of your mind, Orlin. If you were a woman would you, you of all people, allow the government to tell you what you could do with your body?

    5. Not a very well thought out response, Mikeb.

      orlin sellers

    6. It was a response in the form of a question. Would you stand for the government telling you when or if you could have an abortion, if you were a woman?

    7. It has nothing to do with my comment or the fact that the women voluntarily got pregnant and because of that, knowingly invited a tenant onto her premises. Tenants do have rights. Could her male counterpart demand that she kill the tenant?
      I'm guessing you have no problem with infanticide, neonaticide, or sex-selection infanticide.

      orlin sellers

  2. Remember, that's nine out of several hundred. By the way, since I refuse to listen to Maddow any more, why does she include Paul Ryan in the list? He won his seat in Congress.

    1. I ask again, are you incapable of admitting that you were wrong? Nine guys who campaigned on the abortion/rape nonsense got a shellacking, including Ryan for VP.

      Admit you were wrong, it'll do you good.

    2. When I'm wrong, I'll admit it. A "shellacking" implies a major shift in power. Nothing much changed in the 2012 election.

    3. Greg, you said TWO mentioned rape and lost their elections. Did you not? It was nine. Were you wrong?

    4. I said that I was aware of two. My main point was that this was not a major shift. Not much changed, certainly not much important in the balance of power. There was no landslide.

      So no, I was not wrong.
