Marlene Hoeber, left, and Eric Wooten, right, of the Northern California chapter of The Liberal Gun, Nov. 16. 2013
Gun owner and Second Amendment advocate Marlene Hoeber isn't your typical member of theNational Rifle Association. In fact, she isn't a member of the NRA at all.
The Oakland, Calif., laboratory equipment mechanic regularly visits firing ranges, where, along with other members of her gun club, she shoots a variety of weapons. "Guns are fun to play with," she says. She even makes her own ammunition.
She has no use, however, for the NRA's conservative political agenda. By her own description, Hoeber is a feisty, liberal, transgender, tattooed, queer, activist feminist.
She belongs instead to another gun advocacy group entirely--The Liberal Gun Club--whose membership ranges, she says, "from socialists, to anarchists who can quote Marx, to Reagan Democrats."
Its mission, she says, is to provide "a place for gun owners to talk to other owners about neat gun stuff, without having to hear how the president is a Muslim-usurper-socialist running a false-flag operation."
"Do you like guns but hate 'gun people'? Are you uncomfortable when political 'progressives' support every Amendment from the Bill of Rights but [not] the 2nd? Does it make you crazy when 'conservatives' swear to uphold the 2nd Amendment but look the opposite way when other rights are trampled on?" If so, it says, then AGCR is for you.
"Do you like guns but hate 'gun people'? Are you uncomfortable when political 'progressives' support every Amendment from the Bill of Rights but [not] the 2nd? Does it make you crazy when 'conservatives' swear to uphold the 2nd Amendment but look the opposite way when other rights are trampled on?" If so, it says, then AGCR is for you.
Interesting. If someone like that supports gun rights, the gun control movement is in trouble.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that may be, but their opinion of you and your gun-lovin' friends was the part I enjoyed most.
DeleteMikeb, when are you going to learn that on many matters, I agree with the group described in this article? But you're ducking the point. The more people on all sides of the political field in America who defend gun rights, the more you lose.
DeleteWhat part did you agree with, Greg, this one?
Delete""Do you like guns but hate 'gun people'? Are you uncomfortable when political 'progressives' support every Amendment from the Bill of Rights but [not] the 2nd? Does it make you crazy when 'conservatives' swear to uphold the 2nd Amendment but look the opposite way when other rights are trampled on?" If so, it says, then AGCR is for you."
It's important to fight for rights from inside the party as well, and hopefully she is doing just that. The people she supports don't support her, as they'd throw her in jail for that M1 carbine she's holding. As much as conservatives don't respect the rest of her lifestyle, the didn't just pass a bill that would make being transgender a felony.
ReplyDeleteKeep exaggerating. Do let us know about all the cases of imprisonment for possession of banned guns you see.
DeleteIt always amazes me how you can call quoting the punishment specified by the law as an "exaggeration". Mike, is it or is it not a felony to possess an unregistered "assault weapon" in California?
DeleteIf you want some examples, here you go:
Are people going to jail, or are they not, for simple possession of banned guns?
Delete"The Liberal Gun Club is not alone in catering to left-leaning gun advocates. Kindred institutions include the Blue Steel Democrat, Gun Loving Liberal, Pink Pistols and the online publication American Gun Culture Report.
ReplyDeleteOn its website, Pink Pistols (slogan: "Pick On Someone Your Own Caliber") urges "gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or polyamorous persons" to take up arms legally.
"We teach queers to shoot," says the site. "Then we teach others that we have done so. Armed queers don't get bashed. We change the public perception of the sexual minorities, such that those who have in the past perceived them as safe targets for violence and hateful acts will realize that now [they are] armed and effective with those arms."
The site notes that 31 states allow qualified citizens to carry concealed weapons and recommends that gays embark on organized efforts to become comfortable with guns.
This philosophy expressed by the Pink Pistols sounds pretty much like the one voiced by shall issue system advocates.
I guess my next question is how do the reconcile with the progressive/liberal platform which places you're second amendment rights somewhere down underneath all of the others they seem to find more important.