Saturday, February 22, 2014

The support for Get Away with Murder laws.

IT really doesn't take too much intelligence to figure out that you make it easier to kill people, more people will attempt to kill people.  Not to mention it is a blatantly idiotic idea.  Do you REALLY need any proof for that?

Ok, you are morons and we have had two cases where people attempted to get away with murder and sort of did.  Zimmerman was able to get off, but the Dunn case confused the small minded who couldn't get past the fact that going and getting a gun takes the situation from self-defence to MURDER.  We have the Tampa Bay Times newsfeed.  A Texas A&M study also comes up with the same result.

And Let's not forget the person who was shot for texting in a cinema.  That wasn't a joke (not that you can tell the difference).

Of course, vigilante justice results in a vendetta system of justice, as George Zimmerman is finding out.

Lesson is if might makes right--you had better be the strongest (or cleverest).

And forget the "Armed Society is a polite society" since that comes from science fiction.

It's bad policy, as is most of the alleged "pro-gun" agenda.

Picture by Ivan Woods


  1. Laci: "IT really doesn't take too much intelligence to figure out that you make it easier to kill people, more people will attempt to kill people."

    It doesn't take too much intelligence to fact check your statement and see that murder has been going down.

    1. And that doesn't disprove what Laci said. If it weren't for the SYG and castle doctrine nonsense, murders would have gone down even more.

    2. That is always your claim, Mikeb, but it lacks evidence.

    3. Yes, and your claim that it's wrong takes only willful ignorance and blind support of the NRA narrative.

    4. It's a basic principle of logic, Mikeb. I don't have to prove a negative. You're the one making an assertion. You have to prove it. I provide evidence for what I claim.

  2. Laci continues oversimplifying these laws, denying the existence of the bad cases that led to them as a reaction, and distorting the common law.

    And yet he demands we respect his ahthoritai.

  3. "Zimmerman was able to get off, but the Dunn case confused the small minded who couldn't get past the fact that going and getting a gun takes the situation from self-defence to MURDER."

    Actually Laci, it shows that in one case the prosecution wasn't able to prove that Zimmerman started the fight, therefor the jury had to go with the physical evidence which showed that Martin was assaulting him and he fired in self defense. In the case of Dunn, the prosecution wasn't able to prove that the premeditation needed in a first degree murder conviction requires.
    In the Dunn case, they are fortunate to have the opportunity to retry the case. If there had been an acquittal, they would have lost that option. The other convictions the jury arrived at clearly show that there was no buying into any self defense claim.

  4. Laci would have us eliminate Stand Your Ground laws. Instead, he wants "Duty to Retreat" law. Here is what happens under "Duty to Retreat":
    (1) We cede the public square to criminals.
    (2) A victim who defends themselves from a violent criminal is quite literally guilty until proven innocent.
    (3) A victim no longer has the right to remain silent. Instead, the victim MUST tell a jury why their actions were justified.

    In case no one is paying attention, that second point violates our common law presumption of innocence. And that third point violates our United States Constitution's Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.

    "Stand Your Ground" laws correct those three problems.

    -- TruthBeTold

    1. The only thing SYG does is increase the chances of abuse. The self-defense laws were already sufficient to protect victims. What the SYG and castle doctrine policies do is make gun owners bolder and encourage them to overstep their rightful place.

    2. Stand Your Ground asserts the right of good people to remain in places where they have a right to be. Unless you oppose self-defense, you support Stand Your Ground.

    3. We have, in the past, discussed cases of legitimate self defense that resulted in improper criminal charges by overzealous D.A.'s. You and Laci just refuse to acknowledge that these happened and that they were the impetus for SYG laws. Hence your claims that there was nothing wrong before SYG.

      Some of us have good enough memories to know how full of it you are.
