Saturday, March 1, 2014

Guns Keep Us Safe

Tom Tomorrow


  1. Ahem:

    "How stupid. I can't believe you actually subscribe to that bullshit "blame the gun" nonsense. We don't do that. And you know it.

    You were saying?

    1. Cartoonist Dan Perkins is a satirist and as such parodies our society. the talking gun is just an artistic device to get a point across. I think it's short, sweet and to-the-point. Carrying a gun did't do that idiot Michael Dunn any good. He's going to prison. I think the good news for him is that he feels no remorse so the death of the young man shouldn't haunt his conscience too much. Here's hoping that he is retried and found guilty on the murder charge real soon. It's a funny commentary on stand your ground as well. I can hardly bring myself to believe that the so-called moderate and intelligent Jeb Bush was actually the clown who signed that one into law.

    2. This isn't an example of gun-control folks "blaming the gun." It's an illustration of how pro-gun folks anthropomorphize the inanimate object.

    3. It's an illustration of how pro-gun folks anthropomorphize the inanimate object.

      Hahahahahahahahaha! Wow--you have taken projection to heights (depths?) never before attempted. Bravo!

    4. No, Mikeb, this cartoon illustrates how gun control freaks see things. It's called magical thinking. You'd do well to get over that.

    5. guns do change the way you think. They make you stupid. When you have a gun, you reach for the gun to solve problems. Instead of discussing which movie to go to, you get mad, pull out your gun, and shoot the wife. PROBLEM SOLVED!

    6. Blame the gun AND the person with the gun.

      WITHOUT the gun, far fewer problems.

      It is satire, not magical thinking.

      Well said Nick Danger. The gun obsessed have a delusional fetish relationship to firearms.

      Fortunately there are fewer and fewer of those people every day; the trend is steadily away from gun ownership and a repudiation of gun culture.

  2. The "2000 yard stare" eyes of those cartoon characters kind of reminds me of Obama voters. Just sayin'.

    1. Just sayin' what? That you're a moron? The losers in the last election were the Romney losers who didn't know even on the afternoon of election day how badly fucked they were...

    2. Yep, there was NOTHING so hysterically funny than all of those "reverse poll rigging" sites where they "unfixed" the polls which had Obama ahead in most states by the 330 EV that he won by. Romney and Ann were crushed by the realization that 6 months of polls which had Obama consistently winning were correct. It was so damn funny I almost peed myself. But as they say reality has a liberal bias, and polls certainly do. Even today, as we speak, the Democrat has a 55% chance of winning the next election, due to structural biases in the way the states vote. In the BEST of all possible worlds, Republicans can get 285 EV, but Democrats can easily get 330-350. All the gerrymandering stuff does is rearrange each state. Dems will win PA, MI, MN, WI, IL, IA, NY, NJ, CA, FL, and about every other state N of the M-D line. You Repukes are losers and your repulsive policies about gays, women, minorities make you a minority party going forward. Losers!! Tooooooo foooney.
