In Part 3 of this series, I outlined the strategy. Here come the tactics.
1. Deny gunloons what they most desire. Guns? Nope. Acceptance. What gunloons really want more than anything is an acceptance of their gunloonery as 'normal' or mainstream. It's not and it's easy enough to show this. Tactic: go to gun shows and events--show what's going on there. Here's a sample.
In the past, the Brady Campaign, VPC, etc. have been good about posting transcripts of lunatic gunloon craziness--but pictures convey the message that words can't.
2. More stings. Gunloons hate this. And the media loves undercover investigations.
3. Ridicule is your friend. Too often, the BC and VPC get too preachy; gun violence is a serious issue. But you can influence public opinion with facts and ridicule. See tactic 1, gunloons provide an extremely rich environment for ridicule.
4. Target specific audiences. It's all well and good to create an ad that says 30,000 Americans will die from guns this year. It's far better to pinpoint a demographic and pursue it. Example: target soccer moms. How? Note the NRA wants guns on campus. Believe me, mom and dad are nervous enough about little Johnny or little Mary going off to college with its drinking, drugs, sex and all sorts of dangers--do you think they'd want to add guns to that mix?
5. Put the profit(or non-profit)in gun control. Push for legislation requiring gun owners have gun insurance. Do you think the insurance industry might be interested in this market? You bet they would. If you're quesy about insurance company profits--how about legislating insurance company profits, all or some, go to something like scholarships for the kids of police officers killed in the line of duty or the like?
....To Be Continued....
Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! An LOL just wasn't enough for this post, If I'd been drinking milk it would have come out my nose!
ReplyDeleteBut seriously ... it was funny enough that a 4th rate blogger thought he had the answer that would allow the anti-gun groups, who have been around for decades and have full time lawyers and activists and consultants, how to succeed when they are failing so miserably.
But now that I see what you have ... let me just set you straight. Item by item:
1. Your link has some extremist pictures, it's true. But tens of thousands of people go to gun shows every weekend, and 99% of us are normal people. We all know there are some extremist out there but they damned sure don't represent the majority of us.
2. Fine. Catch some criminals. No big deal.
3. The trouble with this is that a lot of ridicule from mouth-breathing anti-gunners who don't understand history, the constitution, human nature or the basis of liberty doesn't mean much. When you mock people who support freedom and are willing to invest time and effort to protect their families you come off like the grasshopper mocking the ant for saving up food for Winter. Doesn't really work well for you ...
4. The anti-gunners are doing this. It is getting some traction in specific areas, but overall we are still winning. We'll win this one too - we're already only one court win away from winning in Colorado.
5. Even if this would pass constitutional muster (Mayor Daley of Chicago gave up on it, and he's considerably smarter than you) you have to get elected officials in who will pass it ... and if you could do that, you'd be able to get an AWB, stop concealed carry in National Parks, on Amtrak trains ... etc. You don't have the votes, dude. And there are millions of us working to see that you don't get those votes.
So you gave me some good laughs with this series of posts, and I'm grateful. But now let me give you some actual advice on what will work:
The problem is that right now the anti-gun groups have few followers and -- through using the very tactics you describe above -- have been losing the public opinion battle for decades.
What you need to do is get several million followers to join anti-gun groups, vote anti-gun, and get at least enough money to have lobbyists in every state and with the Feds. And make sure politicians know what will happen if they don't support you (because right now it's nothing, whereas if they screw the gun lobby they end up out of office)
But the problem is ... that ain't gonna happen. The American people are too smart to fall for the crap you describe, and since the anti-gunners have not one scrap of scientific evidence to say that more guns cause more death, or that legal CCW doesn't save more lives than it endangers, you're going to keep losing.
And the NRA, that 2 - 4 million member organization that fights for the liberty and rights of us all (thank God they are there to keep us safe!) will be there fighting you every inch of the way.
Funny stuff. Please keep them coming.
1. ::Yawn::
ReplyDelete2. Getting kind of hard to do a sting legally. I'd love to see the panel of lawyers and producers trying to figure how how to make it look like anybody can cross state lines and buy a handgun.
3. Ad hominem combined with appeal to emotion? Typical, predictable Jade.
4. Oh yah, because the Million Mom March worked so well.
5. Just how is this supposed to combat criminal violence? "Uh excuse me, Mr. Robber?.. Is that weapon insured? ... Oh, OK, carry on then."
Truthfully, the BC and VPC fail because they target "gunloons" instead of the violent criminal thugs.
Yes Bradys, please adopt Jade’s policy of ridicule. I can’t wait to see Helmke say, “Oh yeah Wayne, well you’re a gunloon with a small penis who is neurologically impaired".
ReplyDeleteNumber 5 would never work as the insurance lobby is in the pocket of the party that's in the gun lobby's pocket. As a result, the gun lobby controls the insurance lobby by proxy.
ReplyDeleteNumber 5 would never work as the insurance lobby is in the pocket of the party that's in the gun lobby's pocket
ReplyDeleteDunno about that. But I do know all businesses tend to align with whomever can bring them a lot more business/profit. So, we're talking about a potential market of 800 eleventy gazillion gunowners (or whatever number you folks are claiming today).
Responding to Stephen the Clueless:
ReplyDelete1. Having been to many gunshows, your claim that 99% are 'normal' is grossly exaggerated. That aside, as illustrated in my example, it's not just the patrons--but the vendors. I've never been to a gunshow where there wasn't some vendor hawking white supremacist trash and/or whatever latest conspiracy nonsense.
2. We agree.
3. Again, there's a fine line between 'freedom fighter' and terrorist. NRA member Tim McVeigh? The obvious point is that the vast majority of Americans don't want to live next door to some fat white redneck who owns an arsenal.
4. We agree--its but just one example.
5. This is actually a brilliant idea--who can argue against gunowners actually having to take responsibility?
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't really matter if Brady adopts your strategies, continue with their own or develop something new.
You have no grass roots supports. None. Nada. That is why you fail.
Hey, don't forget Armed America
Let's make gun loons look normal by putting something that looks like the Addams Family with guns on the cover!
You have no grass roots supports. None. Nada. That is why you fail.
ReplyDeleteTo the contrary, FWM. Our grassroots far outnumber the NRA. Our only problem is that the many groups on our side are fragmented.
Here's the list of NRA enemies--pretty impressive, no?
"Tactic: go to gun shows and events--show what's going on there. Here's a sample.
ReplyDeleteIn the past, the Brady Campaign, VPC, etc. have been good about posting transcripts of lunatic gunloon craziness--but pictures convey the message that words can't."
Kinda like this?
Or better yet go where they hang out and show pictures.
Pictures can be found here:
Jadegold: “Here's the list of NRA enemies--pretty impressive, no?”
ReplyDeleteThe problem with that list is that for a lot of those organizations gun control is pretty far down their priority list. Most of them don’t actively work for gun control. Clearly the International Women’s Garment Workers Association has bigger fish to fry. The point of this list is that gun owning lawyers who are members of the ABA can object to their organization heads donating money that counters their interests. That is what grass roots is all about.
Jade, you do not have grass roots. None of those organizations can claim any great numbers of members actively opposing gun rights.
ReplyDeleteFor every anti-gun blogger or website there are hundreds of gun blogs.
There are not "anti-gun" shows for members to associate at.
You probably can't name a dozen people not paid by anti-gun organizations that get up everyday and read anti-gun blogs or read pertinent news articles.
There is no grass roots support for your anti-rights nonsense.
Just think, for every gunloon that cares enough to read and argue your bullshit, there are thousands more that are silent but vote. That is grass roots.
I shouldn't be helping you out like this, Jade, but it's just so much fun to correct you ...
ReplyDelete1. Repeating the "big lie" over and over again only works for a short time. And that time is already past. The fact is that the most common gun show visitor (and I work many gun shows, signing more grass roots members up to the NRA) is the same as the most common CCW holder -- a middle class white male. In Colorado gun shows there are also a lot of latinos given our population make-up, and while African American's are under represented by % of population there are quite a number. To show the extremes of diversity, at the last gun show I worked I spent some time talking to an obviously gay older couple, one black and one white, who were there to buy holsters.
Of course you will find at least one book booth selling a wide variety of books, and some I'm not fond of, but they are a distinct exception. And if you believe in the 1st amendment (as all 2nd amendment believers do) they have every right to be there.
There is also plenty of WWII memorabilia for sale from both sides, but mostly from legitimate war souvenier collectors and reenactors. But by all means ... keep making redneck jokes and etc. It just shows how out of touch you are.
The bottom line is 99% plus of the people at gun shows are from main stream/middle class America, and of the hundreds of booths you'll find maybe one or two that are objectionable and NONE are openly racist.
In terms of insurance for gun owners ... freedoms and the inherent risks are something we all share. You don't make political pundits take out insurance in case they use their freedom of speech to get a socialist elected and cost us all trillions of dollars in debt. And while everyone's responsible for their own actions, you don't make people who exercise the civil liberty of owning a firearm buy insurance to enjoy that right. Duh.
And like I said ... if you can get the political will to pass an insurance law, you could also pass other anti-gun laws. And you can't.
But in any case, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you.
Thanks ... for trying to make sure the anti-gunners keep fighting, and losing, the battle the same way they have for decades.
Thanks ... for once again showing that anti-gunners have no intellectual arguments, but just a lot of fear mongering and insults.
Thanks ... for continuing to look like a fool for declaring every group that has some kind of anti-gun statement as a committed anti-gun group.
As long as people like you are driving the anti-gun movement, we'll keep winning. And I love winning.
After the next election ... maybe nationwide CCW?
TS: Is gun control "pretty far down theie list?" In some cases, sure.
ReplyDeleteBut the fact that the NRA would list them as enemies indicates the NRA takes them seriously.
And let's not forget--the NRA is hardly monolithic. Most NRA members take views that are very different than their leadership.
Winning? You mean like the Chicago and DC victories?
ReplyDeleteQuotes for you to ponder:
‘Guns are an abomination.’ Free from fear of gun owners’ retaliation at the polls, he favored making handguns illegal and requiring licenses for hunting rifles.
‘I support the Brady Bill, and I urge the Congress to enact it without further delay.’
"nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."
'It is important to keep in mind that Heller, while striking down a law that prohibited the possession of handguns in the home, recognized that the right to keep and bear arms is not “a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”'
Figure out where they come from and win a prize!
Stephen: "we'll keep winning. And I love winning."
ReplyDeleteYeah, 2008 shows just how powerful the NRA is. $40M sure kept Obama out of the WH.
Obama didn’t follow-up on any of his gun control promises winning him an F grade from the Bradys. But that doesn’t mean it can’t happen in the future, so yes, the NRA is right to take gun control and their enemies seriously. But when they do that, you call it fear mongering. This is an excerpt from that pamphlet you referenced earlier:
ReplyDelete"Acting alone and in shadowy
coalitions, these enemies of
freedom are preparing for a
profound and foreboding
confrontation in which they will
not make the mistakes of their
predecessors. We’d better be ready."
If this is all fear mongering, that would imply you gun controllers are actually weak, disorganized, ill-funded, and will keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. Straight up question Jade, should the NRA and other gun rights activists take the gun control movement seriously?
TS: Straight up answer: don't care.
ReplyDeleteI really could care less what any gunloon or the NRA thinks. I think that's a failing of the BC and VPC is that, too often, they worry about what gunloons think. It's bad strategy.
And how many anti-gun promises has Mr. Obama kept? He may be a rock star in certain circles that won despite being anti-gun, but he knows better than to force his party to oppose gun owners.
ReplyDeleteThus he signed into law the ability to carry guns in National Parks, transport them on Amtrak trains, and has done nothing but speak against support of an AWB (since taking office). If not for his prior history, he'd be an A rated NRA candidate.
Of course gun owners don't win every election. Duh. But we have enough control in enough elections to do what we need to do. And bottom line ... we win way more than anti-gunners.
And with Heller/Mcdonald, we've got some muscle in the courts as well.
I'm waiting, I'm waiting ... in you're case, while you're waiting you might want to but some extra thick Depends. After the next election, I think we're going to give you much cause to lose bowel control! ;-)
Stephen: Ever notice how your much-heralded "triumphs" are always tucked into the back of other bills?
ReplyDeleteIt seems pretty apparent the NRA or any other gunloon group isn't willing to let any initiative stand or fall on its own merits.
Meanwhile, the NRA is spending your money on defeating Kagan. Which, BTW, everyone knows isn't gonna happen. Really, you may as well set your cash on fire because you'd actaully get more from that act.
"To the contrary, FWM. Our grassroots far outnumber the NRA. Our only problem is that the many groups on our side are fragmented."
ReplyDeleteThey won't be for long. All the groups on your side are consolidating resources just to keep the electricity on.
"But I do know all businesses tend to align with whomever can bring them a lot more business/profit."
The Brady Campaign can't even bring themselves profit. They rely heavily on the free labor of interns and have just enough money left to keep the electricity on.
The Brady Campaign can't even bring themselves profit
ReplyDeleteI always get a kick out of folks who fail to understand that groups like the BC and VPC cannot, by law, make a profit.
BTW, the NRA uses a lot of unpaid labor--usually seniors--in its Fairfax HQ.
Jadegold: “I really could care less what any gunloon or the NRA thinks.”
ReplyDeleteCome on now. You may not care what they think of you... but you are obsessed with what the NRA “thinks”. The problem is you usually make it up. Now that is bad strategy.
"I always get a kick out of folks who fail to understand that groups like the BC and VPC cannot, by law, make a profit."
ReplyDeleteThey can't make money period, so the outcome would be the same regardless of the law.
ReplyDelete> Yeah, 2008 shows just how powerful the NRA is. $40M sure kept Obama out of the WH.
Well, that 40M got an anti concealed carry Pres to sign two pro-concealed carry bills.
> Ever notice how your much-heralded "triumphs" are always tucked into the back of other bills?
Well, if you happen to count the vote of the National Park amendment, you would see that it had enough support to pass on its own even without a Presidental signature.
> groups like the BC and VPC cannot, by law, make a profit.
Actually, they can. What they can't do is participate in many political activities.
> BTW, the NRA uses a lot of unpaid labor--usually seniors--in its Fairfax HQ.
Volunteering is apparently a concept foreign to Jade. Or he really believes those seniors are being held for their labor at gunpoint.