Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More Cars and Guns

Firearms were used in 12,632 homicides while cars were used in 30 homicides during 2007. Firearms were used in 17,352 suicides and cars were used in 131 suicides during 2007. according to WISQARS.

Rather than address the issue that firearms are weapons, and as such are intended to cause injury or death if used properly. The gun-car (or other similar argument) would rather deflect the issue onto other objects which have utility for purposes other than to injure or kill.

  • Cars are designed to be used as transportation
  • Firearms are weapons with the purpose to injure or kill.
  • When cars are used properly, as pretty much are, they provide transportation.
  • When used properly, guns injure or kill.

see also:
That Old Car-Gun Analogy
Risk Factor

1 comment:

  1. "So, when people intend to kill, their method of choice between these two is the firearm, not the gun."

    I think that might be a typo? I know what you intended to say, but others will dismiss an entire argument because of a typo.

    Some months back, mikeyWhiner pulled the gun/car ananlogy out and dusted it off. I pointed out to him that automobiles are used BILLIONS of hours per year, usage that is tracked by the DoT and other government agencies. Nobody knows how much time the average gunnutz spend with their gunz, but I'm guessing it totals considerably less than are spent driving. Driving, btw, unlike shooting is nearly always done with other people doing all sorts of crazy things in the same place, at the same time, as I am doing it.
