Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Wire is Real

7 Arrested During Illegal Gun Seizures - Baltimore, Maryland News Story - WBAL Baltimore

I like the female Carcetti. What they really need is a McNulty and a Freaman.

"We must do more. This year, I will again aggressively support legislation to increase the penalty for illegal gun possession," Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said.

The mayor also restated her promise to hire hundreds of new police officers and said the city's crime camera system will soon be expanded into northeast Baltimore.

1 comment:

  1. Well, thank GOD, only one of them is white. Once again, proving the point that black people = bad people./s

    The mayor also restated her promise to hire hundreds of new police officers and said the city's crime camera system will soon be expanded into northeast Baltimore."

    Wasn't somebody here complaining, recently, about all of the surveillance cameras being used here? I wonder why the mayor wants to deploy more security cameras. It couldn't have anything to do with people getting gunned down, could it? Nah.
