Thursday, June 18, 2015

End Mass Incarceration Now

Robert Reich says that there's nothing just about our criminal justice system. It's racist and destructive. It's not making us safer. And it's a disaster for our economy.

Posted by on Wednesday, June 17, 2015


  1. This is one of the few things I agree with him on...however he like many needs to stop separating people by race it only serves those who seek to keep us fighting about such silly things

    1. AMEN, George!

      BTW, Mike, We don't believe in your support for ending mass incarceration when you rant about disarming 50% of gun owners and banning large percentages of guns. Those goals are kinda at odds with each other.

    2. Simon, maybe you need to reread my Famous 50% post again, unless of course, you weren't interested in accuracy but just wanted to make a smart-aleck remark.

  2. I take it this guy isn't down with your plan to create tens of millions of new felonies per year in the name of gun control.

    1. Another smart-aleck. As you know, I don't easily call for incarceration. For most of my hidden criminals, disarming them is the thing.

    2. You’re not consistent with this, Mike. Look, if you really feel this way then put your money where your mouth is- or rather put your mouth where your other mouth is (since all we do here is talk). Tell us that your plan for “proper gun control” includes reducing penalties for gun crimes from felonies to infractions (since infractions don’t carry jail time). Since your plan starts with replacing the right to keep and bear arms with a government licensed privilege, the penalties for these infractions would be loss of one’s gun owning license. There is no need for felonies anymore to disarm people under your scheme. Call for felonies to be reserved for violent acts only. Add that to your list of “proper gun control” before I even begin to take your claim seriously that you are primarily interested in disarmament over incarceration.

      Additionally, stop getting on me for complaining about the incarceration punishments for innocuous gun crimes. Maybe say something like, “you’re right, TS. People shouldn’t go to jail for something like that. The punishments laid out by the law are quite harsh, and you have a right to complain about them. That’s why when I am King and institute my ‘proper gun control’ scheme, I will institute a reform policy where these serious life-altering crimes get replace by simple loss of license. Disarming them is the thing.” You’d be consistent if you addressed me like that instead of saying “Whaaaa-Whaaaaa-Whaaaaaa”. When you call me a “crybaby” for complaining about the punishments your purport to not support, it’s hard to believe you.

      Not that I would go along with the above plan. I don’t want to see people disarmed for possessing a magazine that holds 11 rounds, but I supposed it’s better than being disarmed, doing time in prison, and ruining your career. It shouldn’t be against the law, period. Bottom line is that I’m just looking for some consistency out of you.
