Thursday, May 20, 2010

Soldier of Fortune on Kagan

Soldier of Fortune sounds off on Elena Kagan.

So it is more than a little interesting that Barack Qbama has reached into his closet of political leftists to bring out Elena Kagan — a woman whose legal views have been shaped by the most extreme socialist voices in Washington.

Did you get that: "shaped by the most extreme socialist voices in Washington?"

Kagan doesn’t have a record of judicial opinions. She hasn’t been a judge. So the crafty Obama figures that, without a paper trail, we won’t know of the ways she is moving American jurisprudence to the left until it’s too late.

Did you get that: "the crafty Obama?"

Kagan was also part of the Clinton team that pushed the firearms industry to include gun locks with all gun purchases and was in the Clinton administration when the president pushed legislation that would close down gun shows.

How about this one: "pushed legislation that would close down gun shows?"

President Obama has made it very clear that he expects Kagan’s “powers of persuasion” to make her and Justice Anthony Kennedy the swing votes to uphold his anti-gun ObamaCare legislation.

And this: "President Obama has made it very clear."

Kagan, like the President who nominated her, is an extreme leftist. According to (May 6, 2009), she is so far to the left she has lamented that socialism has “never attained the status of a major political force” in our country.

And finally, this: "Kagan, like the President who nominated her, is an extreme leftist."

What's your opinion? Do you think the Soldier of Fortune writer likes to exaggerate a little? Or do you find these descriptions accurate?

Please leave a comment.


  1. I don't think Obama is crafty. He's just doing what comes natural to someone of his political leanings.

    The rest is fairly accurate though.

  2. Having SoF call anyone "extreme" is a bit like Mike W. calling anyone "socially arrested."

    After all, this is a magazine that has been sued successfully a number of times for running 'murder for hire' ads.

    When you're as warped as SoF, everything probably appears "extreme."


  3. Mike W. appears to be a bit angry. Must be getting closer to the weekend and another Friday and Saturday night alone in Mom's basement.


  4. Nope, not angry at all.

    I have to love that folks like MikeB and Jadegold respond and prove my point without even realizing it.

  5. "Mike W. appears to be a bit angry. Must be getting closer to the weekend and another Friday and Saturday night alone in Mom's basement.


    Mike W.,

    When you get to Jade's Mom's basement Friday, tell her "hi" for me.
