Huffington Post
On Monday, Panera Bread became the latest U.S. company to ask customers to leave their guns at home.
The bakery-cafe chain joins Starbucks, Chipotle, Target and a handful of other restaurants and retailers in making such a request, which comes amid an increasingly heated debate over the role of guns in public places.
“Within our company, we strive to create Panera Warmth," the company said in a statement released Monday. "This warmth means bakery-cafes where customers and associates feel comfortable and welcome. To this end, we ask that guns not be brought into this environment unless carried by an authorized law enforcement officer. Panera respects the rights of gun owners, but asks our customers to help preserve the environment we are working to create for our guests and associates.”
Hmmm, I don't believe I've ever set foot in a Panera Bread. It constantly amazes me that the MOMs don't call these venues to task for not actually posting according to local laws. Without that, these statements become just a feeble measure to placate an annoying political group. But then, I imagine the MOMs realize that its the best they're going to get, so they make it seem like a victory.
ReplyDelete"While the request is new, Panera plans to continue to follow state and local laws regarding firearm policy. The chain also won't ask employees to enforce the new request or place signs about it in its restaurants.""
There's even a neat little survey on the article that asks how this has changed opinions about Panera. Its currently running at 83% selecting "for the worse".
I wouldn't trust any survey that says that.
DeleteSo are you saying that if the results had shown a majority approved of the decision, you'd trust it? BTW, the percentage saying "for the worse" has gone up to 86%.
DeleteI tend to believe things that make sense and doubt those that don't. How do you imagine almost everyone polled said "for the worse?" Either the wording of the poll was skewed to get that result, or the gun nuts all responded while the others were uninterested. What do you think explains that incredibly high percentage?
DeleteYou know they do that on Fox news all the time. They poll the listeners and get tremendous numbers. Of course the Fox news audience is mainly Obama-hating conservatives.
Delete"What do you think explains that incredibly high percentage?"
DeleteI also tend to be skeptical of incredibly high percentages in polls. That's why I'm also skeptical of the high percentages bandied about by gun control advocates in regards to support of universal backfround checks.
This aint Fox.
1. You admit to confirmation bias as if there is nothing wrong with it.
Delete2. This was an MSNBC poll--They wouldn't word it to get a pro gun result--their ads declare them to be "motivating people to take a stand against gun violence"--the general network ads, not the specific ones with specific hosts.
2. MSNBC regularly does the same thing as Fox--hold a poll of viewers and get the results they want. Them not getting that result this time suggests that maybe their base viewers don't agree with them on guns the same way they do on other policies.
Another company gun loon asshats will show up with their guns. Like SS if their is no sign posted they will walk in with their guns, dam what the company says. Get the photos out their moms.
ReplyDelete"Another company gun loon asshats will show up with their guns."
DeleteI haven't heard of any open carry events in Paneras Anon, however their decision to not post sort of speaks to their wish to not take a stand in either direction. They could easily and simply post in accordance with local laws and the great majority would never enter.
I've mentioned before the existence of an app that helps permit holders avoid posted businesses. And the issue is becoming more polarized,
"A gun store owner in Terre Haute, Ind., has set up a Facebook page to list and boycott businesses that do not allow guns in their establishments."
“What we are hoping to see is that gun enthusiasts will ban together and say, 'Look this is a location that doesn’t want our business, and we are going to oblige them and not give them our business,'” Steve Ellis, who owns the Top Guns gun store, told WTHI (video below).“We vote with our money every single day, so what we are doing when we support that business is saying that we are ok with that rule,” added Ellis."
"He told CBS Chicago that a local restaurant, which is part of a national chain that banned guns, caved into the boycott before the Facebook page was launched."
Why can't you just comply with stated company rules? A company has a right to ban guns from their property. Do you break rules in the military simply because there are not posted on a door? We have been through this to many times, you are just a rule breaker, an uncooperative citizen. A poor example of a military man who must have to follow many rules.
DeleteWell, Anonymous, it's not really a rule, it's just a request. ss has listed the things he complies with, the things he considers rules: 1. a posted sigh and 2. a personal request to leave. I pointed out that there should be a third one, a statement issued that they don't want guns on the premises. I'm a bit baffled at someone who seems pretty reasonable (for a gun nut) but who insists on drawing the line after number 2 and before number 3.
DeleteSS has no care for the concerns of families, or their safety.
DeleteHe only cares that he can bring his gun anywhere, whether it's appropriate, or not.
Most families don't even allow their children to bring toys to a dinner table, but this gun loon thinks it's fine to bring a gun to a public dinner table, and fuck those who say otherwise.
This idea of strict adherence to posted rules is an excuse to be able to bring his gun wherever he wants. I wish his adherence to rules was just as strict when it comes to the deadly idiocy his fellow gun loons cause when they don't adhere to proper gun rules.
His position is as dishonest as they come, and shows a total lack of concern for his fellow citizens. He has no proprieties, no class, I wonder if his mom ever told him to zip up and wash his hands after using the bathroom; and if there isn't a sign there to tell him to do so, I'm sure he thinks it's just fine to walk out of the bathroom with his penis hanging out.
He has proven his dishonest discussion tactics and his out right lying ability on this site constantly.
The same applies to this anon idiot who adds that 99% of people haven't even heard that Panera has asked citizens not to bring guns in to their business, yet he claims to be educated on gun issues. Laughable. You give these dishonest idiots slack, I won't.
"This idea of strict adherence to posted rules is an excuse to be able to bring his gun wherever he wants."
DeleteAnon, in this country, we run on the philosophy that if it isn't illegal, its ok. I sort of operate using the same mindset as the police. Most times, there is no threat, so the sidearm stays holstered and just gets carried. If I know there's a definite threat and I need to move towards it, I'll use a long arm if available, otherwise the sidearm is in my hand. And if I can, I'm just fine with either retreating if possible or allowing the threat to leave.
"I wish his adherence to rules was just as strict when it comes to the deadly idiocy his fellow gun loons cause when they don't adhere to proper gun rules."
I think I've been pretty consistent on this in regards to safety.
"The same applies to this anon idiot who adds that 99% of people haven't even heard that Panera has asked citizens not to bring guns in to their business, yet he claims to be educated on gun issues."
There are likely lots of people who don't know about Panera. The nearest one to my home is an hour drive. I didn't see in mentioned in the local news websites. I don't have cable, since I could only afford either cable or internet service.
I am however a bit of a news junkie, especially in regards to my interests such as firearms and the military. As I had mentioned before, if violating a business's ban on guns is to be sanctioned by the law, there needs to be some sort of signage which informs people entering. For example, like many states, its illegal to smoke indoors at public venues. Its been illegal for quite a while now here, yet there are still notices posted at the entrances saying so.
I'm sort of shocked that you both such a long comment and neglected to mention either the NRA or Ted Nugent.
"A personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when attacking another person's claim or claims. This line of "reasoning" is fallacious because the attack is directed at the person making the claim and not the claim itself. The truth value of a claim is independent of the person making the claim. After all, no matter how repugnant an individual might be, he or she can still make true claims. "
This from the lying gun loon who has lied directly multiple times about me and what I sad, even apologizing for it twice. This from the gun loon who twists words and meaning to elevate a discussion to dishonesty. This from the gun loon who thinks it's just fine to teach a 9 year old girl how to shoot and kill, even though she obviously did not have the strength to control the gun, thus killing someone, yet he blamed it on the trainer, no mention of the parents deadly decision and of course, restating his support for children to be taught how to shoot and kill. This from the gun loon who thinks it's perfectly fine for blind people to shoot guns, even when one blind person shot their own relative. This from the gun loon who supports the racism of Ted Nugent and the NRA. You should know about personal attacks you use them against me, oh, of course it was a total lie. I can understand some not knowing, but not ones who come here and claim to be knowledgeable about gun issues, not to mention if they come here they certainly knew about the statement, just more lies from gun loons. Next lies.....;..
DeleteSince 99% of the shopping public will never know about their request (it will never make the news or be published in a way for the public to notice) and they will not put up any signs, most concealed carry people (or open carry in most states) will never know the difference. So business as usual. What has really changed?
ReplyDeleteSpeed limit signs are posted and you get busted for ignoring them. The state doesn't "request" that you don't go faster than this number and not post signs. If the state did do the "request" it would be a frigging race track everywhere.
They stated that they will follow local and state laws and including that they will not post signs. They are certainly free to post signs according to local and state laws if this is something that they felt strongly about. Apparently they do not.
That was my thoughts exactly - what do they expect from gun owners that are not aware of this request? If they do not put signs up in the stores how is anyone to know that they are not allowed to carry legal weapons into the store?
DeleteBS, the news (all media) posted the company statement this morning. Just another uncooperative citizen, a rule breaker. Do you always lie?
DeleteThe only thing I can think of to explain the reluctance to comply is an adolescent-type attitude of fuck you, I do what I want and don't give a shit what you think about it.
DeleteIf I did not read about this at your website yesterday I would have no idea that Panera had made this request. I have not seen this request in any other media. I don't watch live TV so I have no idea if this was covered by my local news cast. I can imagine that a lot of people are totally unaware of this request by Panera.
DeleteI provided a link to the Huffington Post article where I saw it and they provided another link in their article. It's out there.
DeleteI watch local news all the time, every day. I have yet to see any mention of any announcement of any such request. I have only seen it here. I'm going there for lunch today just to see if there is any mention or signs or employee knowledge of any such request.
DeleteMikeb - what happens 6 months from now when it is no longer at the top of these web pages and has floated out of the minds of everyone? Are people still supposed to know what Panera's or some other business wishes are? If this was a serious concern don't you think they would post signs about it? Most places nowadays are no smoking, but stores still usually have signs placed calling out the fact that smoking is not allowed.
DeleteWent to Panera for lunch yesterday. None of the employees, assistant manager or the manager has heard of such a request of patrons to leave anything home, much less ones guns. They had not heard about any problem that would generate such a request. I guess you could say that they were left completely in the dark about this subject.
DeleteI will be attending another Panera location tomorrow.
I have actually been to all four of the Panera bread locations in my area over the last three days. None of them are aware of any such request. None. No letters, no e-mails, no phone calls from the cooperate offices, nothing. None of the employees from the top down has heard of it either.
DeleteStill nothing from the local news sites or on the news websites either. Its as if this request didn't exist at all. Its a total non issue, here anyway.
You're so full of shit, man. You personally spoke to every employee "from the top down," and in all three stores?
DeleteReally Mike? Tell you what, come down here and I will personally take you by the hand to all FOUR stores so we can ask them together, again, all of them, each person, from the top down. If you don't, then your the one that's full of shit. Come on down and see for yourself instead of accusing without facts.
DeleteYour the one that's full of shit to believe that just because some spokesperson made a statement to appease a political group is actually going to ask their stores in gun friendly states to run off their income? Really?
Come on down Mike. I will take to each one, armed, and let you ask them if they care that I am armed. I will let you out me in a concealed only carry state in each store and lets find out if they really care. Come on, I'm waiting.
Come on Mike, lets find out who is REALLY full of shit!
Well, how do you explain it then? Did the store make no such announcement, did I invent the whole thing? Or do you think maybe some genius counter person or two has no idea of what's going on in the world outside their i-phones and music videos?
Delete"Or do you think maybe some genius counter person or two has no idea of what's going on in the world outside their i-phones and music videos?"
DeleteMike, your comment perfectly illustrates why posting in accordance with local law is so important. If you are unsurprised that actual employees, who might reasonably be expected to know their employer's policy, then how can you reasonably expect someone who just walks in off of the street to "know"?
Mike, the stores did not make the announcement. Corp office did. Did it filter down to the stores? Who knows. Does this announcement affect only Corp owned stores? I don't know. Did it affect individually owned franchised stores? Not likely as it would be up to the store owner to make a decision on his policy.
DeleteTalking to each and every employee, manager and assistant manager is not 1 or 2 counter people. 9 to 14 people in these 4 locations here, if you had read my post above, and none have heard of it. I read the Corp statement, I know you did not make it up. What I am telling you is that the statement Corp made is not known here, did not make any local news here either TV, radio, print news or news website. Nor did it make it to the stores. If it did make it to the Corp owned stores then it would be up to management to act on it or not. If it made it to individual owned franchised stores the it would be up to the owner of that store to set policy.
In closing, what I am saying is that I was told that nobody has heard of it and even less concerned about it. Its a non issue here, no one cares. Again, come on down and I will personally take you to each location I visited and you can ask for yourself. Proof Mike, no assumptions. See for yourself. I did. And I ate there as well, don't even like what they offer, not my kind of eating.
I did a little looking on my app that shows businesses that post according to local laws to keep permit holders from spending their money at their venues.
ReplyDeleteThere are two restaurants listed as having posted.