Sunday, August 4, 2013

Child's Grandpa Charged in Accidental Fatal Shooting in Iowa

He was a lawful gun owner doing what many lawful gun owners do, drinking beer and leaving a loaded shotgun accessible to kids at all times.

We've all heard the excuses, "there's nothing more useless than an unloaded gun."  And what harm can a few brewskies do?

What's your opinion?  Please leave a comment.


  1. Many? Care to provide evidence as to the actual number, or is this just another of your many unsubstantiated fantasies?

    1. Why would you expect him to have evidence? He can't even summarize a story correctly--he had to "flesh out" that this happened while the grandpa was drinking beer while the story says that this happened while he was out buying beer--i.e. making a trip to the store or gas mart.

    2. Use your heads and try to be honest. Don't many gun owners drink beer? Don't many leave loaded guns around? Use whatever the fuck definition you want for "many," the answer is YES.

    3. I don't know, and I don't know. Regardless, having a loaded gun in the same house as someone drinking beer is not by itself a problem.

      This is the truth that alcoholics often fail to realize: A great many people can drink responsibly.

    4. You don't know if many gun owners drink beer? You're losing credibility more and more with stupid stubbornness like that.

      Guns and alcohol don't mix, period. Texas Colt carry, as well as all truly responsible gun owners, knows this.

    5. Mikeb, unlike you, I don't claim to know things that I don't know. Besides, you're the one being silly by saying that anyone who owns a gun must never drink alcohol if that gun is anywhere nearby.
