Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ladd Everitt Discusses Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Views on Guns

Of course, we hear about how King thought about packing heat from the "pro-gun" crowd, but this is a pretty good summary from someone who knows this topic.

I keep hoping that the Open Carry movement will  backfire on the "gun rights" crowd.

Why should anyone find people openly carrying weapons in a nation at peace to be accpetable behaviour?


  1. Laci, I have no reason to believe that this guy knows any more about guns than you do, but even if every statement of fact he makes here is correct, so? King is not my guide to living.

    1. I'll tell you what the "so?" is. Your side has frequently misrepresented Martin Luther King's position on guns, based, I suppose, on that one attempt to get a carry permit when he was young. Ladd Everitt did a wonderful job portraying the true position of Dr. King.

      As I've asked many times, if you guys really have truth and right on your side, why do you have to resort to lies and misrepresentations like this?

    2. I don't use King. He's a problematic character, thanks to his repeated plagiarism. I also don't see him as a national savior. He did some good. Good for him. But I don't take his words as Gospel.

      Everitt blithers on longer even than Laci or Dog Gone, and I pay him about as much attention.

    3. Yes, the true position which seemed to be that he, individually, eschewed their use, but that he did not oppose their use by individual blacks for self defense, and he opposed their use in Civil Rights protests because it went against his vision for the movement and was a poor tactical decision.

      None of this exactly lines up with your positions.

  2. Pooch, who in the hell cares what lk's views on guns were?

    A NATION AT PEACE? Are you nuts? We have a drone-aholic mulatto sitting in the WH preparing to lob humanitarian cruise missiles into a sovereign foreign nation that has done us no wrong.

    orlin sellers

    1. Orlin,

      While the main thrust of your comment is well taken, WTF do you think Obama's race have to do with anything?

    2. Orlin, where you been, man? We've missed you peculiar brand of paranoia.

    3. He's probably been living life. Not everyone spends every waking hour of their life worrying about guns. That would be quite the sad existence.

  3. As a grown man, the Rev. King has the freedom to make the decision to adopt a mindset where he will refuse to entertain the thought of defending himself or his family using deadly force. That is his decision and while I don't agree with the effectiveness I wont take away from his decision.
    This however shouldn't have anything to do with another person who wishes to follow a different path. I would recommend you read the book, "Negros With Guns" by Robert F. Williams.

    "First published in 1962, Negroes with Guns is the story of a southern black community's struggle to arm itself in self-defense against the Ku Klux Klan and other racist groups."

    And of course the evil NRA was there to help arm the citizens against the Klan.
