Monday, August 26, 2013

Mass Killings Since the AWB Expired

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  1. And we're holding him up as an spokesperson why exactly. Didn't he also at one point contend that a blow job didn't count as sex? Next, you'll be posting stuff with quotes from Al, wait...

  2. And yet Semi-Auto weapons are well over a century old. Fully automatic firearms have also been around for a while and were available to the public for much of that time. Semis have been owned by wide swaths of the population for a long time.

    And yet we see a spike in mass shootings in the 90's. Hmmm, sounds to me like some kind of break down in our culture rather than something caused by the evil guns.

  3. You posted this already. We refuted it then. Must we go through it again?

  4. This quote was generously given "3 Pinocchios". No matter how you define "assault weapons", they couldn't come up with a way to mske it even remotely true.

    1. I meant to say how you define mass killings.
