Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Road Rage Battle in Ft. Myers

In this report they may have coined a new phrase: "Road Rage Battle."

I'll bet the guy had a concealed carry permit, what do you think?

Please leave a comment.


  1. I'll bet the guy had a concealed carry permit, what do you think?

    What is it that you would like to wager?

  2. Sorry Jade, I was talking to MikeB. I don't believe that you have the integrity to make a wager with. You most certainly are not a man of your word. Any verbal agreement with you would be as worthless as the majority of your posts on here.

  3. OK RuffRidr, I'll wager a billion dollars.

  4. Sorry MikeB, I just lost my last billion on some sort of "stimulus" scheme that I don't expect to see a return on anytime soon.

    Regardless, there was no CCW reported. Also, despite Guy Cabot's usual projection, the suspect is not an old fat white guy.

    Glad I could provide the details that are often so lacking on this blog.
