Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Usual: Double Murder, Suicide, Assault Rifle

Sniper kills brother, samaritan, self:
LITTLE EGG HARBOR — A man shot and killed his brother from a window of their apartment with a military-style assault rifle Monday, then fatally shot a 21-year-old neighbor who was coming to the victim's aid before turning the weapon on himself, police said.


  1. Killings with a so-called "military-style assault rifle," in New Jersey? Impossible--New Jersey not only bans so-called "assault weapons"--their definition of that amorphous term is one of the most exhaustive in the country, and the rest of their gun laws are such that they are behind only California in the degree to which they are draconian.

    Oh, and Little Egg Harbor is not a "suburb of Philadelphia, so we can't blame this one on Sebastian.

  2. Zorro seems to not understand that the Constitution bans customs checkpoints at state lines. That means that NJ can ban firearms, but say Mississippi, West Virginia, or Pennsylvania can have laws that make it so that someone can buy a gun with a clean driver's licence.

    While positive ID might prevent people from fraudulently getting clean ID and buying guns, Zorro dislikes that.

    Anyway, Banning guns is totally symbolic as long as Mississippi, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and other states are having fire sales on the things.

    But, Zorro is a psycho who admits he shouldn't own a gun. It's too bad that he won't admit to it so that he can get treatment.

    But, with any luck, Zorro will go insane and provide us with a mass shooting that will make V-Tech look like one of those run of the mill shootings where only a few people are killed.

    You know the ones that don't merit the column space since they are so common.

    Zorro is working for gun control harder than Brady, VPC, and the rst of those clowns just by his mere existance.

    I know that I don't want Zorro near sharp objects let alone firearms.

  3. Laci the Ambulance-Chasing Dog:

    But, Zorro is a psycho who admits he shouldn't own a gun. It's too bad that he won't admit to it . . .

    Apart from this notional "admission" of mine (as in an admission I never made, since "admitting" pure fiction would be . . . less than honest), the Ambulance-Chasing Dog would probably be well served by learning not to contradict himself in consecutive sentences. I mean, he ought at least put a break between the contradictions.

    Just an idea--hope it helps (because help is most certainly needed).

  4. Laci, That's why they love you so much.

    I enjoyed your comment very much.

  5. How is the "assaultiness" of the rifle relavant?

    Also, aren't those "military style, semi automatic assault weapons" supposed to be "spray fired" from the hip to "hose down" a wide killing zone with their pistol grips and "shoulder things that go up"?

  6. Laci is blatantly dishonest as usual. Zorro is right.

    A NJ resident cannot simply drive to another state and legally purchase a firearm, regardless of whether said firearm is banned in NJ.

    Also, it's nice to see Laci wishing that for the murder of other innocent people again. He's such a classy dude.

  7. But, with any luck, Zorro will go insane and provide us with a mass shooting that will make V-Tech look like one of those run of the mill shootings where only a few people are killed.

    With any luck? Do you get your jollies from reading and hearing about mass murders? You are one sick fuck.

  8. Not to worry, RuffRidr--our little Ambulance-Chasing Dog is not likely to have any more "luck" here than he has had in any other aspect of his life, meaning that I'll continue busily not massacring people.

  9. Jadefool's Biggest (Only?) Cheerleader:

    I enjoyed your comment very much.

    Of course you did. I'm curious about one thing, though.

    Which part did you like best: the part where the Ambulance-Chasing Dog lied about me, or the part where he expressed his hope (and yours?) that I'll become psychopathic and provide a nice big lake of blood in which you and the other liberty-haters can dance?

    Not that it really matters--just curious.

  10. Well, I enjoyed the comment of Laci, it's true, but your and RuffRidr's followups were a real hoot.
