Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Final Night of the Living Van Vliet - Captain Beefheart Festival 2013-2014

Good night Captain Beefheart, wherever you are. Happy Birthday
January 15, 1941 – December 17, 2010


  1. Post Script....last night I listened to the Beefheart/Zappa collaboration from 1963, Tiger Roach....That's when Van Vliet got his name...these two guys were collaborating on a sci fi space opera movie in a studio in Cucamonga, CA....Captain Beefheart versus The Grunt People....They were living in a huge cardboard and tinfoil painted space ship that had taken over the studio space....I regret that the YouTube video of the performance of The Magic Band at the Mudd Club in NYC in the early morning of the night after John Lennon was murdered has been disappeared. They had played at The Irving Plaza ear;lier that night, but the Mudd Club performance at 4 am was incredible...I was there!
