Monday, December 15, 2014

Deep in your hearts--you know it's long past time for action


  1. Deep in your hearts--you know it's long past time for action

    Indeed. Long past time for shall not be infringed.

    1. There never was "shall not be infringed," and there never will be.

    2. Your allergy to facts acting up again (or is it still?), Mikeb?

    3. There never was "shall make no law" and there never will be!

    4. It's one think to claim someone is misinterpreting words, but to claim those words don't exist, when anyone can check and see that they do, is a special level of denial.

    5. Shorter Kurtie: No amount of murdered children shall impede my quest to regain manhood.

    6. I didn't say the words don't exist. I said the interpretation that Kurt assigns to them has never existed, and it never will, especially since the most gun-friendly Justice ever said reasonable restrictions are cool.

    7. It's not unusual for people to put their own interpretation on the words of the Constitution. It is criminal when those same people say they will attack the government with guns when the government doesn't follow their bastardized version of what they think the Constitution says.

  2. Pooch,
    How much money have you donated to their cause?

    orlin sellers.

  3. I believe Laci is right. Everyone knows, even the lying gun-rights extremists, that more needs to be done to prevent dangerous people from having such easy access to guns.

    1. I believe Laci is right.

      On the theory that no one can be so utterly wrong, all the time? Turns out they can (see Laci).

      Everyone knows, even the lying gun-rights extremists . . .

      Got an example of one of those? I've never encountered one, and in fact believe the entire concept of their existence is a ridiculous superstition held only by particularly primitive people.

    2. You don't read your own comments criminal.

  4. These comments prove gun loons could care less about innocent death from gun shot.
