Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Accidental Shooting of OR Turkey Hunter - No Charges

Richard Kidd, 44, of Portland, received shotgun pellet wounds to his legs when his 60-year old hunting partner, David C. Brant, also of Portland, fired at a turkey that flew out of its roost in a tree. The two were hunting around sunrise in the Wimer area when the accident happened, OSP said in a news release.

Kidd and Brant were about 70 yards apart and were wearing camoflauge clothing. Lighting and terrain also limited visibility, officials said.
We just had another case of a turkey hunting accident. Imagine the ones we don't hear about.

Why would hunters rear camoflauge clothing while hunting?  Is that to fool the animals?  Aren't they supposed to rear bright reds and yellows to avoid this very danger?

What could possibly be the justification for shooting such magnificant animals? Are turkeys out-breeding their environment and the turkey hunters doing a humanitarian service in killing them? Or is this just another sick and cruel activity which real men with guns like to participate in?

 I think it's the latter.

What's your opinion?  Please leave a comment.


  1. Why would someone want to shoot turkeys? They taste good. Hunting is a primal behavior. What else do you need to know?

  2. "What could possibly be the justification for shooting such magnificant animals?" Food.

  3. "Why would hunters rear camoflauge clothing while hunting? Is that to fool the animals? Aren't they supposed to rear bright reds and yellows to avoid this very danger?"

    Wearing bright colors works best when hunting animals which are color blind. Some turkeys are color blind, others are not.

    1. Are you shittin' me? "Some turkeys are not." Bwahahahaha

  4. "Wearing bright colors works best when hunting animals which are color blind. Some turkeys are color blind, others are not."

    These rules;

    Wear hunter orange when walking to and from
    your calling site.

    If you use a decoy, cover it while moving to
    avoid confusing other hunters.

    Never wear the colors red, white, blue or
    black. These colors could be mistaken for a
    turkey's head or body by another hunter.

    When hunting with others, know everyone's
    location; remember your shooting lane.

    Never assume you are alone in the woods,
    even when hunting on private land.

    If you see another turkey hunter approaching,
    remain still and shout or whistle. Never wave,
    use a turkey call or stand up.

    Be careful in using a gobbler call; other
    hunters could mistake you for a wild turkey.

    Never stalk a gobbling turkey. Stalking a wild
    turkey is dangerous, nearly impossible, and

    Observe the whole turkey and the area behind
    it to determine whether it is a legal bird and
    safe to shoot.

    Never shoot at movements or sounds.

    Discuss these safety tips with your hunting
    companions. Many accidents are caused by
    someone in the same hunting party.

    from here (

    would appear to indicate that somebody's got some 'splainin' to do.

    mikeb302000 and I disagree on the subject of hunting. He's never, afaia, stated that hunters should have their firearms confiscated. I do have to wonder about the whole getting back to nature thing when I read that turkeys have had to be "re-introduced" into their native habitat. I wonder, is the necessity of "re-stocking" the woods and fields is due to the anti-gunz folks adopting allathem turkeys that used to live free and wild?

  5. Humans get in accidents. Some of those accidents rise to criminality, most do not. Trophy hunting is abhorrent to me, and most hunting for "food" is a subterfuge (rarely can many hunters actually consume everything they kill, no matter how long frozen, especially of larger animals; I know, I know, when asked, many hunters spout the facile lie that they donate the corpse to charity, just to get inquirers off their back).

    If reducing unnecessary deaths is really the goal of this blogger, which I doubt, then you would think he would choose to rail against motor vehicles. A far, far deadlier human invention.

    And driving is not a right, while owning a firearm is.

    h ttp://lmgtfy .com/?q=vehicular+homicide+2011+usa
    [remove spaces to re-link-ify]

    But Mike knows this already and actively ignores the facts presented in the comments he solicits. Facts he routinely fails to provide. As I suspected. This blog is here merely to incite and misdirect.

    BTW, I am a tad puzzled why a comment of mine in support of a comment by Greg Camp at another thread of a day or so ago was deleted.

    Cheers all. --A.

    1. You haven't been coming around here long enough to do the mind-reading you think you're capable of.

      "If reducing unnecessary deaths is really the goal of this blogger, which I doubt"

  6. "If reducing unnecessary deaths is really the goal of this blogger, which I doubt, then you would think he would choose to rail against motor vehicles. A far, far deadlier human invention.

    And driving is not a right, while owning a firearm is.

    h ttp://lmgtfy .com/?q=vehicular+homicide+2011+usa
    [remove spaces to re-link-ify]"

    Oooooh, I love it when gunzloonz thrown out the "Cars kill MORE people than gunz" argument.

    The short version of handing you your ass.

    Estimates of how many gunz there are in the U.S. = ca. 300M

    Estimates of how many motor vehicles there are in the U.S., according to this table:

    in exceess of 250M (as of 2009).

    This link:

    indicates that 411B trips are made in privately owned motor vehicles, per year.

    Lets assume that 150M U.S. residents use guns (the actual figure, while unobtainable is likely to be considerably lower). In order for the gunz use to be at the same level as the use of private motor vehicles each of those gun users would have to be using their weapons 7.5 times per day, 365 days a year*. And we're not talking about firing 7.5 rounds; we're talking about taking the gun from its storage place (lockbox, holster, under the pillow, whatevah) and operating it.

    Add to that the distinct probability that motor vehicle operators will be in environments that are filled with distractions and, at times, hazardous v most gun use being done in controlled environments**. Yet you people still manage to average over 100K/annum of fatal and non-fatal GSW.

    Go find another "equivalency", this one is a non-starter.


    "You haven't been coming around here long enough to do the mind-reading you think you're capable of."

    Aw, cut the guy some slack, Greg Camp's been coming here for months and he still LIES about your motivations, FREQUENTLY.

    * Feel free to check the math.

    ** When I say "most" I mean MOST. This would include shooting ranges, private hunting leases or preserves, training for LEO and the like.

  7. Mikeb, we've seen your official goals. We don't believe you.

    But to everyone, if I get around to deer hunting this season, I'm going to donate any deer that I take to a local large cat shelter. Those cats require a lot of meat daily.

  8. "Mikeb, we've seen your official goals. We don't believe you.'

    So, this would be you calling mikeb302000 a liar, despite his telling you, numerous times, that he doesn't WANT all of your precious penis substitutes melted down to make the cages and chains which you fantasize about FEMA using to subjugate idiots like you?

    "But to everyone, if I get around to deer hunting this season, I'm going to donate any deer that I take to a local large cat shelter. Those cats require a lot of meat daily."

    Why not lobby to have those animals released to the wild if they're native and let THEM kill their own deer? I mean, you're all about freedom and stuff.

    1. Democommie, not only are you an idiot, you're also a jackass. The large cat sanctuary takes in animals that often are injured or have been variously abused. For the most part, the cats couldn't go back to the wild. In addition, African lions and Siberian tigers aren't native to Arkansas, last I checked.

      But what we see here is that anything I support, you must oppose. Do keep commenting, though. Your hateful ranting makes my side look better and better.
