Sunday, April 22, 2012

Private Prisons


  1. I am going to go out on a limb and comment based strictly on the captions without watching the video. The concept of privately run prisons for profit disturbs me on two levels.

    (1) There is a conflict of interest. Whoever owns the prison could offer discrete economic incentives to local law enforcement. This has to go away immediately.

    (2) The very fact that we have privately operated prisons is because government operations are notoriously and unnecessarily expensive, inefficient, and incapable. The very same government that cannot operate a prison efficiently and aptly is the same government that does not nor ever will apply gun control laws aptly.

  2. I agree that a private prison is an offense against the way our society is supposed to work, but can't these people talk about it without the overblown language? Prison-industrial complex? Gulag?

  3. By the way, Mikeb, I like the new background. It looks like the interior walls of my home.

  4. The private prisons or for-profit prisons are thriving here in the land of the free because we incarcerate so many people. Is there some yet unexposed link between the 'justice' system and corporate America???

  5. There are too many places of incarceration in America - private or public. This is not a liberal/conservative issue. Notice how the prison industrial complex started after income taxes were foisted on the American public. Prisons are notoriously expensive and half the stuff people are in there for should not be considered a crime.

  6. "2) The very fact that we have privately operated prisons is because government operations are notoriously and unnecessarily expensive, inefficient, and incapable. The very same government that cannot operate a prison efficiently and aptly is the same government that does not nor ever will apply gun control laws aptly."

    Really? And you have the data to back up that mindblowingly stupid assertion? Private "for profit" incarceration is not the cost saver it was touted to be--and since we know for a fact that at least a couple of judges in PA were selling kids to the system of private juvie lockups there, it's pretty obvious that they couldn't make it work without some gummint help.

    Oh, btw, do you eat, use pharmaceuticals, have your trash, water, fire and police protection provided by a municipality, use city, state or national parks and recreation areas, drive on public roads, fly in commercial aircraft? All of those things are likely to be provided by gummint--mainly because private companies can't or won't do those jobs for the same or less money.

    1. "All of those things are likely to be provided by gummint--mainly because private companies can't or won't do those jobs for the same or less money."

      Citation needed.

  7. Too many people in prison and too many guns are two separate but equally embarrassing crowns that are worn by the US.

    1. Many guns are a crown, one that this country should be proud to wear. On the subject of prisons and why many are locked up in them, we agree.
