Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Maryland Student Arrested for Making General Threatening Remarks

The Washington Post reports

A Montgomery College student was taken into custody by Rockville police Monday afternoon after commenting that he “felt like shooting people just for fun,” a spokeswoman for the school said.

The student said he was upset over a breakup, according to Elizabeth Homan, the college’s communications director. No weapon was found, she said.

People the student spoke with on Montgomery College’s Rockville campus were concerned and went to the campus’s security office, and officials called in the Rockville police. Police and campus security eventually found him eating lunch, Homan said.

Rockville Police Lt. Eric Over said a decision on whether or not the student will face criminal charges is expected to be made Tuesday following an investigation.

Police issued a “letter of trespass” that prevents the student from coming onto campus for three years without permission of the college, Homan said.
It sounds a bit invasive, but how else are they going to prevent spree shootings unless they pursue leads like this? I'm a little uncomfortable with it, though.

What do you think?  Please leave a comment.


  1. I am very uncomfortable with it. This is the world that results from your policies, though.

    1. How many lives would be saved by removing one insignificant person from the situation? Would you be more uncomfortable if the person caused deaths? How is this to be considered in any way, shape, or form a "invasive" intrusion of the State against an individual?

      The Government bears the duty to take all measures necessary to protect the lives of it's subjects from being extinguished by another private entity. Just as Government holds the duty to prevent mere civilians from obtaining dangerous weapons, the Government must remove a dangerous person from society when necessary.

    2. I was also going to add "E.N. will love it".

    3. Well, you must admit something should be done about these things. It seems to me this guy was treated a bit harshly, but it was right to check him out, don't you think?
