Thursday, October 10, 2013

Guns Aren't the Answer to Domestic Violence

That year (2011) there were 1,707 females murdered by males in America in single victim/single offender incidents. Ninety-four percent of these women were murdered by a male they knew.
Among the victims who knew their offenders, 61 percent were wives or intimate acquaintances. (This percentage could well be higher, because ex-girlfriends are not included in the statistics.) Nearly all the homicides (87 percent) were not related to the commission of any other felony, such as rape or robbery.
When it comes to guns and women, firearms are being used to take women's lives, not defend them. In the study, we found that more homicides were committed with firearms (51 percent) than any other weapon, and of those, 73 percent were committed with handguns. Nine women are shot to death by their husbands or intimate partners every week.
It's cynically logical that the National Rifle Association, which receives tens of millions of dollars from gun manufacturers, including money for marketing guns to women, would try to persuade women that buying a firearm guarantees personal safety. But having a gun in the home actually increases the chance that a woman will be killed. One study found that females living with a gun in the home were nearly three times more likely to be murdered than those without one.
The FBI data also reveals that guns are rarely used to kill criminals or stop crimes. In 2011, there were only 261 justifiable homicides committed by private citizens. Only 31 of these cases involved women killing men. And of those, only 14 involved a handgun.
Our report shows that lethal attacks by men on women are widespread across America, but it also highlights the states where it occurs at the highest rates. We ranked the top 10 states for the rate of females murdered by males, with South Carolina at the top.



  1. Mike,

    I think you really hit the nail on the head this time. Women in the U.S.A. at the rate of just about forty women per year in every state are being killed by their boyfriends and husbands.

    It's not unusual to have a verbal altercation with someone you love. If a couple tends in this direction, it is very important for the man to give up any and all firearms if he wishes to continue the relationship, particularly if alcohol or drugs are involved. We need to respect and love our women. This level of violence is simply unacceptable in a civilised society.

    1. "We need to respect and love our women." -- Flying Junior

      I agree completely.

      -- TruthBeTold

    2. "It's not unusual to have a verbal altercation with someone you love. If a couple tends in this direction, it is very important for the man to give up any and all firearms if he wishes to continue the relationship, particularly if alcohol or drugs are involved." -- Flying Junior

      If your goal is to reduce female domestic violence victims, your solution (men have to give up all firearms) is a complete failure. An average man can quickly and easily incapacitate an average woman with his fists and feet. And if the man has a bludgeon (rock, pipe, hammer, baseball bat, etc.), he can incapacitate an average woman with one strike.

      If you want to reduce female domestic violence victims, educate women and empower them to immediately leave any man who has any violent tendencies. While doing that, empower women to repel attacks from men as well. Empowering women to repel attacks includes teaching them basic strikes (knees, kicks, punches) to vital areas and arming them with pepper sprays, tasers, and/or firearms.

      I love and respect all the women in my immediate and extended family. That is why I have personally educated and empowered as many as possible as I detailed above. And that is why I encourage the other women in my life who I have not personally been able to empower as I detailed above.

      -- TruthBeTold

    3. "If your goal is to reduce female domestic violence victims, your solution (men have to give up all firearms) is a complete failure. An average man can quickly and easily incapacitate an average woman with his fists and feet. And if the man has a bludgeon (rock, pipe, hammer, baseball bat, etc.), he can incapacitate an average woman with one strike."

      Except only a few men choose other means, most men choose guns.

    4. Anonymous wrote, "Except only a few men choose other means, most men choose guns."

      Disarming all citizens will not reduce a man's capacity to murder a woman. What it will do is ensure that most women have no way to defend themselves from single male attackers much less multiple male attackers. And it will ensure that smaller men have no way to defend themselves from larger men or groups of men. What kind of person wants to make their fellow citizens more vulnerable to attackers?

      That is why I oppose civilian disarmament.

    5. I'm not talking disarmament, but thanks for lying about what I said.

    6. That what are you talking? Gun control freaks constantly tell us how bad gun are and how stupid it is to own one, but when pressed, they insist that they don't want to take guns away. That makes you either liars or fools.

    7. It's the same as the suicide argument. Guns are more lethal than other means of committing suicide. Just so, in domestic abuse, the gun is way worse than the other ways of physically abusing women.

      In other words, guns do more harm then good and guns are bad news for women. Just look at those states in the chart.

    8. So, Mikeb, why are you not demanding total disarmament?

    9. Because he doesn't have the integrity to demand what he really wants up front.

    10. I don't demand total disarmament for the same reason I don't think the speed limit should be 30 mph. Living in a free country (sort of) means we have to balance these things.

      Disarming about half of you cowboys would be similar to maintaining a 60 mph speed limit. Ya get me?

    11. Fortunately, many states recognize that the balance must be far more on the side of freedom, considering the oppressive weight of government.

    12. I can't explain why you believe a lie. I guess you are just a dumb shit.

  2. So many errors in so little space. The article attempts to make it appear that the FBI supports these conclusions, but two of the three links there are to the Violence Policy Center, hardly a group known for supporting gun rights. The third link is to a study down by sampling women in 1993 and 1994. But notice that 51% of women here are killed with a firearm. That means that just about half are killed with some other weapon.

    Your side really should let Josh Sugarmann go.

    1. Yeah, you're a big supporter of women's rights as long as they don't bump up against you fetish. Then you're the same self-centered small-minded gun nut as all the rest.

    2. No, I'm not a simpleton. I'm not overwhelmed by a flurry of numbers that don't actually say what their author claims for them. Nor do I believe that one person's rights must be violated for another to exercise rights.

    3. No you just think it's ok for innocent people to die because you deny gun control works and has been proven to work. Back to your law breaking, anarchistic beliefs. Back to your hills hillbilly.

    4. "A flurry of numbers" that prove your argument is worthless. I'm not surprised you're not overwhelmed by them. Most of our favorite states are there in the top ten. Arkansas is probably not far behind.

    5. Forty of the fifty states in this country are gun-friendly. Unless you can show that all forty of those states have high rates of X, whatever X is, your argument doesn't even get started. Of course, you'd also have to show that many other factors are not the actual cause, so your argument doesn't have much of a chance in any case.

    6. They're not all equally gun-friendly, Greg. This is an example of your twisting the truth. This short list contains some of the main offenders.

    7. Actually, yes they are effectively equally as friendly. There are some minor variations, but on the important matters, four out of five states acknowledge the rights of their residents.

  3. Fact: male attackers are almost always taller, heavier, faster, and most importantly stronger than their female victims. That puts women at a HUGE disadvantage whenever a man attacks them. The result: an average man with nothing but his fists and feet can easily and quickly incapacitate an average woman. Any weapon at all -- even a softball size rock -- in the hands of the male attacker makes an attack even more desperate for a female victim. Rest assured, men do not need firearms to brutally attack and kill women.

    Understanding this reality, anything that makes women weaker and reduces their options for defending themselves from a male attacker is obscene. The best tool that a woman can use to secure herself is her brain -- which she must use to make wise choices in relationships, including the decision to relocate to another state if necessary to evade a deranged ex-boyfriend or ex-spouse. The second best tool that a woman can use to secure herself is a firearm. A firearm in a woman's hands removes the advantages of size, speed, and strength that men have over most women. While a firearm does not guarantee a woman's safety, it sure gives her a better chance to stop an attacker before the attacker inflicts life threatening injuries.

    -- TruthBeTold

    1. Your "second best tool" is a disaster for failure. Haven't you read the article? The statistics don't lie, man.

  4. Women staying in an abusive relationship is as stupid as a woman getting pregnant if she doesn't want to.
    Let the excuses begin.

    orlin sellers

  5. I wonder why we don't hear about men killing their wives with an ice pick, or a car? seems guns are the overwhelming choice of killers.
