Friday, October 11, 2013

Natalie Foster, NRA Liar, Compares Guns with Spiders and Dangerous Animals

Where was the lie, I hear you gun-rights fanatics ask?

Well, how about the whole damn thing, the entire premise of the video. Pretending that gun control folks, all or most or even a significant percentage of them, have an irrational fear of the inanimate object called gun, is about as far from the truth as you can get.

This is one of the NRA's foundation lies. And like many of its falsehoods, it has an ironic twist to it.  Gun lovers are the ones who anthropomorphize firearms, often naming them. They're the ones who feel safe and secure only when carrying their best friend.  They're also the ones who push the use of the passive voice when describing gun misuse.

By removing the blame from the human person who mishandled the gun and claiming "the gun went off," for example, they are placing a power in the gun that just isn't there.

And all the while, NRA con men and women put on that smirking face and pretend their opponents are irrationally afraid of guns.

What's your opinion?  Please leave a comment.


  1. Both points have a lot of validity.

    I break down civilian disarmament advocates into two categories: control freaks and hysterical people with an irrational fear of guns.

    On the gun rights side, my skin crawls every time people speak in a passive voice. Things almost never "happen". Someone or something does something. The only time guns "go off" are the exceedingly rare instances that their drop safeties malfunction and the gun fires when it hits the ground. Otherwise, the person holding the gun pulled the trigger and is responsible for that.

    -- TruthBeTold

    1. Aren't there some gun control folks who don't fall into either of those categories?

    2. In his NRA lying fuck head hillbilly observation.
      Of course a lying fuck head hillbilly is to stupid to see beyond only two categories.

    3. Sounds like you fall into the second category Jim, a hysterical screeching socialist libtard control freak.....

      Keep up the wailing and gnashing of teeth fucktard...

    4. Do you really think all gun control people are either control freaks or hysterical?

    5. Yes I do, and I present Jim, the Tourette Syndrome Association Poster Child as proof.

    6. Proof of what, man? If you put Jim in one of those categories, what the fuck does that have do to with my question?

      Do you really think ALL gun control people are either control freaks or hysterical?

  2. Jeez, Mikeb, she's trying to help you with your problem, but you are in denial. lol

    orlin sellers

  3. Mikeb, why do you keep lying about us? We're not the ones using the passive voice about unintended shootings. That's the media, and as I've explained to you many times, it's because reporters and their bosses don't want to get sued. I call that a rational avoidance of Laci.

    TruthBeTold has it right. The sheep among you are afraid of guns, while the mutton-eaters in your crowd manipulate the compliant sheep for their own purposes.

  4. She is adorable. I'm sure she's making a lot more money working for NRA News than she would teaching kindergarten. Can NRA News just go away now? I'm sure it's great fun shooting at targets with real bullets. But wouldn't it be just as much fun, if not more, knocking over milk cans with baseballs?

    I was into archery as a youngster. Just for fun, last year at the Del Mar Fair, I paid five dollars for five arrows, Father's Day special. Worth every cent!

    If nothing else, buying weapons and ammo is a huge waste of precious resources. That's why I used to love that Aztec Red guy. He turned it all around and made money selling weapons to suckers.

    1. How are guns and ammo a waste? They're good for self-defense, good for hunting, and good for fun.

    2. She is adorable. I'm sure she's making a lot more money working for NRA News than she would teaching kindergarten. Can NRA News just go away now? I'm sure it's great fun shooting at targets with real bullets. But wouldn't it be just as much fun, if not more, knocking over milk cans with baseballs?

      No, it would not be as much fun as shooting at milkcans filled with Tannerite....

      I was into archery as a youngster. Just for fun, last year at the Del Mar Fair, I paid five dollars for five arrows, Father's Day special. Worth every cent!

      Wow, living La Vita Loca!!!!

      If nothing else, buying weapons and ammo is a huge waste of precious resources. That's why I used to love that Aztec Red guy. He turned it all around and made money selling weapons to suckers.

      Wasting precious resources, if it makes a birkensock wearing hippie cry it is resources well wasted.......

  5. Mike, watch the video again, and tell me where she says anything about "gun control folks". She said "many people" and "plenty of people" have this fear. She didn't say anything to tie it to you political movement. You took that on yourself.

    1. You must be right. She didn't mean what I thought she meant and I'm completely self-absorbed and paranoid.

    2. Admitting it is the first step.

      Kidding aside, if we take something you say personally in this manner, you claim we're putting words in your mouth and start screaming "LIAR, LIAR, LIAR!"

  6. FYI, the post immediately above this one has Jimmy Kimmel describing some guns as "scary". And in the morning Joe segment with Emily Miller you posted earlier, one of them also used that word: "scary".
