Monday, October 7, 2013

Texas No. 1 in Gun Purchase Applications

Mercury News

Texas is leading the nation in the number of people seeking federal permission to buy guns.

Federal statistics reviewed Friday by the Houston Chronicle ( show 1.2 million people in Texas through the end of September filled out applications for background checks.
At that rate, last year's record 1.4 million requests will be surpassed by the end of 2013.
"The gun business is doing well," Rob Elder, head of the Houston division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said.
He said number of requests could increase his agency's workload, but he said most purchasers are law-abiding citizens seeking firearms for legitimate purposes.
The figures don't equate to the number of purchases but represent people who have asked to buy from a federally licensed dealer.
One Houston gun store owner, Jim Pruett, told the newspaper President Barack Obama motivates gun buyers.
"Any time he talks about gun control, it drives people crazy and they go and buy guns," he said.


  1. I have a friend who's retired contemplating a move to Texas because he has seen the state government grow ever more intrusive.

  2. "Any time he talks about gun control, it drives people crazy and they go and buy guns," he said.

    And that's been true for the last 5 years, yes, even before he actually got sworn in. And another point that needs to be added, its still next to impossible to get any range time because of the new CHL classes have the ranges booked up in the larger communities around Texas.

    Also more than plenty of evidence of first time gun buyers. Long arms and pistols seem to be a 50/50 pace in sales. New Texas residents are showing up all the time at the gun stores with eyes of disbelief, ALL types of long arms in racks out in the open floor just waiting to be picked up and examined at will. ALL types of pistols that will be handed to you for examination at will. ALL kinds of questions, like "How do I go about registering a gun in Texas?" is met with a big smile and the reply "There IS NO registration for guns in Texas, where are you from anyhow?" Newly minted Texas DLs about to enjoy the freedoms in Texas and a welcome to the part of the free US.

    Its simple, walk up and decide on which gun/s you want, fill out a 4473, go to the cashier, they do the NICS check and insert approval number, pay for it or them and take it or them home.

    The obvious questions asked involving first time gun owners asking those questions can get pretty funny and most of the counter guys are really willing to take time to answer them, sometimes to a fault. They will demonstrate the operations and make sure you understand the gun and are happy with your choice before moving to the next customer in a long line of customers. Almost every one in that line buys at least one. I have seen as many as six purchases by a single customer on more than one occasion, and that even only requires a single NICS check. Almost everyone also picks up a CHL class application when leaving the counter as well. And lots of newly minted CHL licenses are purchasing new carry pistols, holsters, accessories and defense ammo as well. Those CHLs go thru the line much quicker than those that wait 15 to 30 min to get their approval. And at least two thirds are the under 35 crowd. Older people, over 50 are getting the most CHLs currently, but most of the older crowd already have their firearms, just getting their CHLs to carry them.

  3. Good for Texas. Next, we have to eliminate that background check, since the article calls it asking for Federal permission to buy a gun.

    1. Yeah, that "asking permission" part is misleading. Your not asking permission in Texas, the store is just making sure your not prohibited. It is a distinct difference.

      I have a new neighbor Greg, two weeks into Texas, 51 years old and just moved to Texas from California for good. I took him to his first, REAL gun stores this past Saturday. The look on his face was absolutely PRICELESS! He was actually afraid to hold some of the guns the dealer and I were handing to him. An AK47 pistol for example, he almost refused to hold it citing he was afraid of being arrested just for touching it. He is still trying to absorb the idea of no waiting, no registration of gun purchases in Texas. So, just for the fun of it and to let him see the process, I bought a new 1911 .45. It took all of ten min and we were out the door with gun, holster and ammo. I figured, what the heck, I liked the looks of that RI 1911-A1 anyway. He is still in complete disbelief today.

      He asked if he could do the same, YES I told him. As soon as he gets his Texas DL with picture, or Texas ID with picture, he can buy what ever he wanted, including that 50cal BMG bolt action 5 shot rifle for $5500.00. 98% of all the guns he got into his hands to look at are banned in California. He reads about them but knew he couldn't own them,,,,,,,, there. Here No problem.

      I told him welcome to the US, the free part, Welcome to Texas,,,,,,,,, as long as you leave California politics there. "NO problem !" he said. No way is he EVER going to vote, even slightly, for anyone that will screw up Texas.

      He is actually quite schooled on the laws in various states, and having no further ties keeping him in California, moved to Texas to experience freedoms. The experience is more than he could take in on one weekend tho. The expression on his face, the look of his eyes were very telling. I feel sorry for those living in states like California.

      I guess there is a majority that want to be lead around in California with a nose ring. We welcome those that don't want to be lead that way here. Others, well, STAY THERE!

    2. And it's not just Texas. Most states recognize the rights of citizens.

    3. Exactly right. Most do.
      But the divide grows deeply from those that do and those that don't. Those that do are working to broaden the freedoms of that state.
      Those that don't are working hard to further take those rights away.
      And in most cases, the taking away of rights is even against not only the constitution, but also against the latest Supreme courts findings.

      Eventually those anti states are going loose ultimately. In the end their people leave, businesses leave, economy crashes and their politics get blamed for it. Change will come for the better, eventually, in those anti states. But the change will take time.

    4. While you guys are frothing at the mouth over loose gun laws, let's not overlook that little fraternal correction Texas Colt carry offered Greg.

      "Yeah, that "asking permission" part is misleading. Your not asking permission in Texas, the store is just making sure your not prohibited. It is a distinct difference."

      It's funny you don't want to viciously debate that point with one of your own, Greg.

    5. Mikeb, quit being silly. I was commenting on the language used in the article. That's not my position.

    6. What's not your position, eliminating the background check requirement?

      Aren't you the pseudo-Libertarian who says NO gun control laws is the way to go? Now, what are you saying, you didn't mean it?

    7. Mikeb, listen carefully: The article said that people call in to the background check system to ask permission to buy a gun. I said that statement was wrong, but it's a good reason for eliminating the system anyway. I don't support the attitude of the writer of the article.

  4. So there is no fear of violence against them; they are only buying guns because of the fear they have of a black president.
    So their cry that they need guns to protect themselves is bogus. Their fear of a black president, is real, so is their bigotry. Big surprise, Texas has always been a bigoted State with a strong KKK presence.

    1. Where do you come up with all this blather? The point that people do buy guns to protect themselves isn't bogus. That's apart from another reason people are buying guns is to prove to the government that they wont be taking their rights away, that is the point they make with those purchases. People are making those purchases side by side of all races, black, white, brown or yellow. They are ALL telling the president NO to the idea that they cant have guns and the government cant take them away from Texans.
      Don't tell a Texan that he cant have something or do something, we will show you otherwise. We fear NO president, black or otherwise.

      As far as the KKK and bigoted, prove that. Prove that your not another idiot troll.

    2. "One Houston gun store owner, Jim Pruett, told the newspaper President Barack Obama motivates gun buyers.
      "Any time he talks about gun control, it drives people crazy and they go and buy guns," he said."

      According to the gun store owner they buy because gun of control efforts by our black president; no mention of fear of their personal well being.
      Go back to the library and see the stats on the KKK in Texas for the last 150 years. Educate yourself.

    3. "According to the gun store owner they buy because gun of control efforts by our black president; no mention of fear of their personal well being."

      Why exactly does a particular group just default to believing that any criticism of the President is due to his race? This seems to have become the new norm in this administration. Even the Attorney General played the race card when he was being put on hot seat for the screw up called "Fast and Furious".
      The criticism is based on his past his administration's goals in proposed legislation.

    4. Educate myself? You just educated me. See, you must be proud. You just taught me that you are a troll.

    5. Obama was on record before becoming president and is certainly on record now as supporting gun control. I oppose him in that regard. His race is irrelevant.

    6. What legislation? Republicans won't pass any gun control legislation. There is no fear of gun control.

      Yes,I did just educate you. The article said they were buying because of gun control, not fear of personal danger. I know Texans cannot learn. Did you read up on the KKK in Texas?

      The article was not talking about you, but thanks for playing.

    7. Anonymous, concerns about gun control, whether on the state or the federal level, are not the same thing as racism. Neither is opposing a politician's policy goals.

    8. Texas Colt carry, I find it odd that you call Anonymous a troll. He's expressing the same opinion that I and many others have in the past. Your denial that racism plays a big part in the Texas psyche is as ridiculous as your former arguments about how incredibly responsible gun owners are in your experience.

    9. Your constant, ludicrous charges of racism have drained the word of any meaning, Mike.

  5. Ah, but don't you see Texas, every time Jim or someone else gets pissed about hearing logic and starts the name calling, then the people who don't comment, but just read get to see what both sides are really like. And I've gotten to meet some interesting people.
    And sometimes I learn something interesting.

    1. I didn't start the name calling you fucking liar

    2. That's true. As I remember it, as soon as Jim expressed a contrary opinion to the pro-gun commenters, he was called troll and worse.

    3. You may be correct Mike. I'm not going to go searching to see who threw the first name. That has also happened between you and the others also. The difference being that at some point you and the others did your engagement, and then went back to a more or less civil give and take.
      Jim on the other hand, has refused to "get over it" and has continued to pejorative name calling that is reminiscent of Kevin who's exit occurred shortly before Jim's arrival on the scene. This timing did lend itself to some wondering if it was too much of a coincidence.
      And like the late Kevin, he seems to have taken a particular shine to Greg, and now throws in an obligatory personal attack towards Greg pretty much anytime he makes a comment. It doesn't add to the conversation.
      And just recently, when I suggested he get over it, I get the age old defense of "he started it" and then I was gifted with the title of Hillbilly of the north.
      I really don't care anymore. It's your blog.

    4. Mikeb, all of us, you included, question the motives and veracity of everyone commenting here. To quote a movie line, this isn't the Blessed Order of St. Mary the Meek. Jim came here claiming that he has a carry license and a gun, but he offered nothing other than support for more gun control. He got criticized for that, and he couldn't take a little heat. Now he's turned into a ranting troll. I don't care, and if you'll notice, when he chooses not to make a worthy point, I just ignore him.

    5. Fuck you lying ass hole. I got called a liar and worse just for stating facts about me. Now you twist that. A fucking criminal hillbilly like you wouldn't know truth if it came through your molar. Do you want a copy of my permit? Fuck of you lying hillbilly jack ass. If you cannot handle my treatment of you, you should have thought about that before you called me a liar and sock puppet without evidence, or provocation. I tried nice with you ass holes, and got the full ass hole treatment from you ass holes.
      Now go kill a child, your favorite thing to do.

    6. Jim, I agree with you about who started it. But I also agree with ss who says you've taken it too far. Lighten up, man. It'll do us all some good.

  6. Jim, I really don't care "who started it". I just hope that somewhere down the road you can get over it and calm down. Whether you do or not is entirely up to you.

    1. It's all my fault, go fuck yourself.
      Why don't you tell the hillbillies the same.
      They tell everyone to fuck off
      Of course you don't care who started it, you fuck heads don't deal in reality, or facts
      Now back to your family of hillbillies.

    2. And you have fun lying instead of dealing with reality and facts.
      Thanks for proving me correct, that you are nothing but a lying hillbilly ass hole.
