Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The true story of Christmas, a Yule tale.


  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/09/school-shootings-newtown_n_6292052.html

  2. Laci the insult comic dog continues his attempts to get a rise out of people, though this time it looks like he's gone to the more firm ground of ancient lore rather than bad science.

    1. Haven't seen any 'bad science' out of Laci so far. I expect he knows more about astronomy than you do.

      It requires a certain level of intellect to rise to what Laci posts, which is so often lacking in comments here.

    2. I guess you didn't read the comments after your angry skreed last time dog gone. Here's the link: http://mikeb302000.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-real-reason-for-season.html

      Laci posted it, you called it factual and praised it, and yet, a simple look at a star chart showed a major discrepancy as well as several points where the visuals were misleading.

      We'll wait for you to follow the url and then come back and tell us what level of intellect is required to understand that the sun is in the vicinity of a constellation that star charts show that it is not in the vicinity of.

    3. As for Laci's supposed astronomy prowess, maybe he knows more than me; maybe not. If he does, he dropped the ball posting that last video. Perhaps he can try to redeem his image by posting some astronomy quizzes from facebook.

    4. Come on, man! Isn't that kind of a shitty thing to say about one of the greatest comic characters to ever emerge out of the final gasps of the twentieth century?

      I mean, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog? Don't you totally just love that guy?

    5. Junior,

      Triumph I love. Laci is just the Dollar Store knock off.

      And now I've probably insulted dollar stores.

  3. Oh well, at least he's not still on about how charming blackface is when done in Europe.

    1. This is an excellent recording.

      You on the other hand probably celebrate 'Festivus';

    2. Was that supposed to be an insult? Am I supposed to be offended at the notion of me celebrating Festivus? Was that burn intended to make me run and hide in shame and cause others to ignore the reference to Laci's recent obsession with the rich Continental tradition of Minstrel shows?

      If any of these were the intent, you truly failed. Maybe you should go back to name calling as you were at least able to get your insults across that way, even if they weren't very artful.
