Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Accidental Shooting of Maryland 6-Year-Old - Charges Pending

A 6-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed himself in a quiet neighborhood of single-family homes in the Clinton area Monday afternoon, and Prince George’s County homicide detectives are considering filing charges against a 20-year-old who lived with the boy and apparently brought the gun to the house, authorities said.

Although the criminal investigation is in its early stages, detectives think that the 6-year-old found the revolver in a backpack belonging to a 20-year-old who also lived in the Arbutus Lane home, police said. That 20-year-old, Davis said, does not appear to be a relative of the boy, and detectives are probing his relationship to the boy’s family.
Every day, day after day. The pro gun response is that accidents will always happen, just like criminals will always get guns. They would have us do nothing about it lest it cause them a bit of inconvenience.

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  1. Lo and behold, this happened in a gun friendly state like, um, oh, it was Maryland, a state that has just about every onerous and stupid restriction on gun ownership that you've ever wanted, Mikeb. How could that be?

    FatWhiteMan, join me as we sing: More Gun Control Fail.

  2. "The pro gun response is that accidents will always happen, just like criminals will always get guns. They would have us do nothing about it lest it cause them a bit of inconvenience."

    Here we have a case of an accident caused by the negligence of a CRIMINAL.

    And it is in a state that requires registrtation, is a "may issue" license rationed by the state for only showing reasonable cause, has gun rationing, has a ballistic database, background checks on ALL transfers, an assault weapons ban and has laws against child access (which he is being charged with) and a gun lock law.

    It was already illegal for the 20 y.o. to have the gun. I guess we could make it illegaller, that might help.

    More gun control FAIL.
