Monday, April 9, 2012

tEh CriMnulz, thEy'll allUS haz teH gunz!!

From that bastion of the Liebral Media, the WSJ, we get a story about four cops injured in a shootout with a bad guy (

So, yes the badboyz will always get teh gunz, expeshly if they go to another state and buy them without any sort of background check. 


  1. That's perty good shootin, one guy hits 4 'elite' coppers.
    orlin sellers

  2. Typically, Bloomberg is calling for more laws. Yup, that'll solve the problem. . .

  3. Democommie, would it kill you to use conventional spelling and capitalization?

  4. MikeB,

    Demo's psychotic keyboard nonsense is bad enough in comments but if this is indicative of the way your blog is going to look, well, that's just hideous as well as insane.

    1. I agree. Democommie let's keep the post titles in real English.

  5. Another example of gun control FAIL.

    This guy lives where if you can even get the state's permission to buy a gun, it takes a lot of money as well as months to obtain. It is not "shall issue". Not to mention the man was a career criminal and a prohibited person. Yup, those laws really work to stop criminals.

  6. Don't you guys ever get tired of embarrassing the gun-fearing, paranoid posters here? LOL!!!!

    btw, remind me if I ever get a hankerin to try to commit 'attempted murder' to do it in NY; you only get a 2 year stretch in the Big House.
    orlin sellers

  7. "Greg CampApr 9, 2012 12:51 PM
    Democommie, would it kill you to use conventional spelling and capitalization?

    nO moRe thaN it wud kIll yU to baK up yOUr asSertiOns with Sum faCtS.

    "Another example of gun control FAIL.

    This guy lives where if you can even get the state's permission to buy a gun, it takes a lot of money as well as months to obtain. It is not "shall issue". Not to mention the man was a career criminal and a prohibited person. Yup, those laws really work to stop criminals.'

    You missed the part where it said he bought the gun used in the shooting in Wilmington, NC?

    The gunzlawz in NY, no matter how draconian they might be, will never keep people who want to break the law by going to another state; a state where they don't give a fuck what sort of person they sell a gun to.

    1. But draconian laws imposed nationwide would keep criminals from importing guns from foreign countries? Thanks for making our arguments for us.

      I do back up my assertions with facts. I note that you never respond to those facts. Take, for example, the comparison of murder rates in the United States and the United Kingdom. I provided a number of facts, as did FatWhiteMan, and you've said nothing so far about them.

    2. demo said: You missed the part where it said he bought the gun used in the shooting in Wilmington, NC?

      Nothing in the article indicates that Foxworth purchased the firearm.

      From the article:

      The weapon used to shoot the officers was part of a multiple-gun purchase in Wilmington, N.C.

  8. @demokkkommie
    Your writing is like a 90 year old stroke victim who just discovered 1337.

  9. Actually, the gun-freaks have convinced me of one thing: I wish Trayvon Martin had been carrying a gun, he might be alive today. Or at least two of them would be dead, not just the innocent one.

    1. had he been carrying it would've been against the law since he was 17.

      "... not just the innocent one."

      I assume you've given the Sanford Police your eyewitness statement?

    2. It is astonishing how acute the senses are of these people who believe Zimmerman to be guilty. They not only saw what happened, but they also perceive the intricacies of the laws relating to the subject, but they have the answer.

      Do tell us, DaisyDeadhead, how do you know that Martin is the innocent one?

  10. "But draconian laws imposed nationwide would keep criminals from importing guns from foreign countries? Thanks for making our arguments for us."

    We may never know the answer to that one, especially if you Pro-killing adherents of the NRA remain able to scare people into accepting your nonsense about gunz being the best deterrent to crime.

    Greg Camp and some of the sockpuppets sure do get wound up about "style". Tsk, tsk.

    1. You mean, I take it, that we'll never allow your side to engage in more social experimentation just because you hope it'll work? That's correct.

  11. "You mean, I take it, that we'll never allow your side to engage in more social experimentation just because you hope it'll work? That's correct."

    Oh, Greggie, you're so cute when you're indignorant. I like that you use the language as the rest of the neo-clown KKKonservatives. I still don't get how you can stand to take a paycheck from something as liberal as a state run school.

    Boy, talk about "social experiment"--that's public higher education in a nutshell. The idea behind offering students an opportunity to matriculate at state funded colleges and universities was that they would be better trained, hence better able to raise the standards in whatever organization they might be employed by. Despite failing miserably in your case, it is a good idea.

    I still don't get though how you can stomach working for a buncha liebral wimps who prolly haven't even got the balls to sneak their CCW's on campus, like you do.

    1. Democommie, if you were my father, I'd be strongly tempted to support patricide. You've obviously outlived your usefulness and look to be suffering dementia.

      But to address your attempt at a point, note that with education, we knew that it works. Based on evidence recently presented here and on many other pieces of evidence, we know that gun control doesn't work and won't work here.

  12. I don't know about any of you guys, But I can walk 10 minutes East and purchase a 9mm, for $2000. Not exactly out of state Retard. One neighborhood away.

    Oh, and I rather enjoy the way that Commy mocks the ebonics system.
