Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Get It While You Can - Janis Joplin

Forget about Aretha and forget about Billie Holiday, Janis is the greatest that ever lived.

There's something extremely poignant about a talented person, who died at 27, singing a song like this.


  1. I have a different view of her talent and greatness, but wouldn't you consider her death a suicide? If not a conscious decision an unconscious decision to leave her troubles behind?
    orlin sellers

    1. Right--we should ban alcohol. I mean, look at all the unnecessary deaths just so people can drink. We need Prohibition. Oh, wait, um, kind of like gun control, isn't it?

    2. Whoa, dude, I am not suggesting or even hinting at such a thing, hell, I think drugs ought to be legal like they were before Harry Anslinger opened his big fat lying mouth to Congress. But, even a moron should know that if your life evolves around burning a candle at both ends, eventually that candle is gonna go dark.
      orlin sellers

    3. Sarcasm, Orlin, sarcasm. Don't you know me well enough by now to realize that I want less regulation for both?

    4. I don't consider accidental overdoses suicides, even though I get you point. Addicts often act as if they're trying to kill themselves, but that's not always the case.

  2. Only white folk think that all that screeching and hollering was singing...
