Friday, April 13, 2012

Chicago Homicides Up 60% in first Quarter 2012

Fox News reports

Homicides in Chicago spiked by 60 percent during the first three months of the year despite an increase in police resources in some of the city's most dangerous neighborhoods, according to new police crime statistics.

Of the 120 homicides, 101 involved shootings, police said.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel has pushed for other restrictions, including a bill working its way through the Illinois House that would require handgun owners throughout the state to register their weapons.

Ludwig said that could give police an important tool to potentially track weapons beyond their initial sale at legal gun shops as they change hands on the currently unregulated secondary market.

"Registration gives you a way to hold gun owners accountable for what they do with their guns," he said. 

"... Everything that happens after the first purchase in most places is just invisible. Nobody's got to keep track of anything legally."
Since everyone agrees criminals don't obey the laws, isn't it about time we focused our efforts on the source of those guns used by criminals? Rahm Emanuel has a good idea but of course the self-serving gun rights activists will fight him tooth and nail.

What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.


  1. Private transfer of firearm in Ill requires both the seller and buyer to possess a FOID card. The buyer has to present the card prior to handling the firearm. A transaction record must be created and retained by the Buyer and Seller of the firearm and the FOID information must be on that record of sale. This is already state law and there is already a paper trail from the first purchaser to the last. A firearm registration scheme will not help with the tracking of firearms used in crime. SCOTUS has already ruled that the 5A protects criminals from having to register their firearms, therefore, it would only be a burden on the law abiding.

    The only benefit of a registration scheme like this would be to have one more additional crime with which to charge a criminal. That would be possession of an unregistered firearm, but not failure to register.

    Instead of putting additional burdens on the law abiding, the state could easily increase the minimum sentence for crimes committed with firearms.

    This registration scheme is just an attempt to infringe on the rights of the law abiding citizens of the state and to chill the exercise of those rights.

    1. Bill, what it does is force criminals to import their guns from places where they don't have such regulations. Private sales, straw purchases and theft are the three main ways to get guns if you're a criminal. All three have to be addressed in all places for the benefits to be seen.

    2. Mexico already has strict gun laws, and they do no good. If your proposals pass here, criminals will just get their guns from south of the border along with their drugs. But so long as good citizens are disarmed and can't fight back, it's all good, right?

  2. "Instead of putting additional burdens on the law abiding, the state could easily increase the minimum sentence for crimes committed with firearms."

    As with most gunzloonz, Bill Baldwin is a puritan. He firmly believes that incarceration is a cure for crime. Check the stats, bub, it ain't.

    So, you're saying that the millions of weapons in Illinois (I'm guessing at least 20M considering the number of people who don't live in the Chicago city limits (about 9M according to U.S. Census of 2010) are ALL on the books? And you're also saying that OLAGO's scrupulously follow the law? I'm pretty sure that you can't say either of those things with a straight face.

    A registration program would, if properly implemented, identify as many gunz as possible. Then, when someone breaks the law, mandatory minimum penalties would kick in, upon conviction. No jail time, unless the unregistered weapon was involved in some other crime; something like confiscation of unregistered gunz, along with motor vehicles and buildings in which they were discovered. Sound good to you? Sounds just right to me.

    1. As with most gunzloonz, Bill Baldwin is a puritan. He firmly believes that incarceration is a cure for crime. Check the stats, bub, it ain't.

      Speaking of putting words in people's mouths. Actually, I think education and rehabilitation is the cure for most criminal behavior.

      So, you're saying that the millions of weapons in Illinois ...are ALL on the books?

      LULZ, No. Ill. has a defacto registration right now with their FOID requirement and sales/purchase requirements and still can't rein in criminals with guns.

      And you're also saying that OLAGO's scrupulously follow the law? I'm pretty sure that you can't say either of those things with a straight face.


    2. Bill, rehabilitation for criminal offenders is so rare we might as well forget about it. Education is good.

      Locking people up almost never does them any good. It punishes, and they get worse.

  3. Let's understand what Emanuel really wants: a registration scheme across the nation. Given the burdens put on legal gun ownership in Illinois, isn't it reasonable to suppose that illegal guns come from other states? I recall Mikeb claiming that at one point or another. Greater restrictions in one state won't help, even if Emanuel could get the rest of his state to go along with his nonsense. But the rest of us won't tolerate registration, since we know where it can lead. This is all presuming that every gun comes from a legal source. Some are stolen, and no matter how much you blame the owner, you fail to understand that criminals can be clever at their professions. Others will cross the borders if your schemes created a black market for off the books guns.

    Instead of this obsession for control, why can't gun grabbers focus on efforts that really reduce crime? Some psychological aberrations are particularly able to resist good sense, of course.

  4. "Let's understand what Emanuel really wants: a registration scheme across the nation. Given the burdens put on legal gun ownership in Illinois, isn't it reasonable to suppose that illegal guns come from other states?"

    No, sorry, genius, FAIL. While it's certainly possible that Emmanuel wants national gun registration that is not what his statement says or alludes to.

    "But the rest of us won't tolerate registration, since we know where it can lead."

    Really? You and the OLAGO's are just gonna disobey them bad ol' anti-gunz lawz? It's not a surprise but it is interesting that you admit to not being interested in obeying laws that YOU don't like, cuz they make YOU feel inconvenienced.

    "This is all presuming that every gun comes from a legal source."

    With the exception of homemade gunz, they do, bonehead.

    1. Ah, so when that gun is manufactured in another country and smuggled in, the maker or "importer" will be concerned about the gun's legality? But do tell us how gun registration will work if it's limited to Chicago or Illinois.

  5. mikeb302000:

    Have you stopped to think what this really means? It means that the "goblins" (per Mr. Greg Camp's labelling of people that he thinks are scary) are "fast tracking" their thugishomicides so that they won't be caught with no way to kill people when ALL of the gunz are confiscated which, as Greg Camp has pointed out--several times--is the ultimate aim of the "Anti's" (as he and other gunzloonz call anyone who thinks sensible regualation of firearms would lead to less carnage).

  6. democommie - Greg did not say anything about not obeying laws. He said they would not tolerate registration. Since registration is not a current law, it is perfectly legal to not tolerate any attempt to register guns. So were you lying when you accused Greg of disobeying "anti-gunz lawz" or were you just making shit up?

  7. This legislation is being pushed for one reason. Deflection, Rahm is nothing more than an epic failure as Chi-Town Mayor. He needs to save face for his 2016 Presidential bid.

    "Homicides in Chicago spiked by 60 percent during the first three months of the year despite an increase in police resources in some of the city's most dangerous neighborhoods, according to new police crime statistics."
    Here's what Rahm's police crime statistics won't tell you. The added police presence in neighborhoods such as Austin, Englewood, and Roseland came at a price. Emanuel did not add more police officers (A campaign promise), he just depleted key units (Namely Gang Task Force), and shifted that manpower to beat officers.

    No matter how noble, Emanuel's idea on gun registration might be, It's bullshit. Towns as far away as 380 miles from Chicago's border should not have to be held accountable for Emanuel's ineptness. It's bullshit. This guy is a joke of a mayor, 10 times worse than Daley ever was, and he was kind of bad too. Emanuel should stick to changing things within the city that he is Mayor, not the entire state.

    The reason homicides were up in the city, is quite simple. Everyone is just afraid to say it in this city. It has nothing to do with gun laws here, or lack thereof. It's weather. Yep, good ol' fashion Mother Nature. Winter in Chicago was unseasonably warm this year. We had 50 degree weather in February and 60 degrees in March. See, Gangbangers, or should I say Gangbangrz, don't want to sit out in 15 degree weather, when it is snowing, in order to sell drugs. But when weather hits the 40's, that's when the shitbags emerge. Usually this occurs in the middle of March. This year, we had that weather in January. More warm days, more assholes out on the corners killing each other(Along with innocent children)for drug territory.
    Don't blame guns on this one, it's global warming's fault.

    Mike- According to vice and gang statistics for 2011. The CPD reports that 32% of confiscated illegal firearms were able to be traced back over the border. And not the Indiana border. Most likely guns smuggled in by drug cartels.

  8. "Greg did not say anything about not obeying laws. He said they would not tolerate registration."

    I'm fairly certain that "not tolerating registration" is a moot point UNLESS there is a law on the books requiring it; so, yeah, Professore Camp is talkin' bout breakin' teh law, breakin' teh law.
