Saturday, April 14, 2012

Romney Courts the NRA

The News Tribune reports

Running for the Senate in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney once assured voters in a state with strong gun-control laws: “I don’t line up with the NRA.” Now the likely Republican presidential nominee, Romney will headline the National Rifle Association’s annual convention in today and assure tens of thousands of gun-rights activists he’s squarely on their side. 

Coming just days after rival Rick Santorum dropped out of the nomination race, the NRA convention in St. Louis provides Romney an opportunity to shore up his credentials with an important conservative constituency that badly wants to oust Democratic President Barack Obama.
What's your opinion? Are the NRA members so stupid that they can't see through this phony baloney politician? Are they so desperate to beat Obama that they'll even overlook Romney's flip-flopping?

Yes, I'm afraid that explains it. They're not stupid but they are desperate. And what's driving that? Racism, of course. Those fat white men at the NRA convention represent a big swath of America, and they've had just about enough of the first black president.

What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.


  1. Mikeb, thanks for displaying your prejudices for the whole world to see. Do you really believe the following, or are you merely being histrionic:

    1. The only reason to oppose Obama is racism?

    2. Romney is the first and only politician to flip-flop?

    3. Obama will be better than Romney on the question of gun rights?

    4. Obama will be better than Romney on any other question?

    I can see how you'd say yes to the latter two. On number four, I give my tepid and grudging agreement on a few points. But can you honestly answer yes to the first two questions?

    1. 1. No, racism isn't the only reason. But those who oppose him on political grounds would not be inexplicably hateful in their opposition.

      2. No, of course not. But that is a good reason to not vote for someong especially on an issue as hot as gun rights.

    2. I do find it disturbing that we don't allow politicians to change their minds. I used to support gun control, but after studying the matter and considering the way that one right is as easy or as difficult to sacrifice as another, I changed my position. On the other hand, politicians who blow with the wind deserve our contempt. Romney looks like the latter, but so did Kerry.

  2. Mikeb says, Racism yada, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.....

    I can tell you exactly why he's not getting my vote and doesn't deserve to be re-elected. Tell me which of these issues are racist and apply only to white red necks.
    Promised to close Gitmo within a year and his first day in office promised to bring the troops back home. Had the opportunity to prosecute Bush/Cheny but didn't and expanded their war crimes and increased the power of the Executive to bypass Congress.
    Bailouts, Bailouts, Bailouts. Record unemployment, millions of Americans losing their homes, $4.00 gas, an Attorney General who breaks more laws than he prosecutes. Vacations, vacations, vacations. Is in bed with Wall St. Big Pharma, Big Agra, Big Green, and gives them billions that go to the 1%. Commits act of war against sovereign nations, signed a bill that allows the military arrest and detain American citizens with no due process and has assassinated American citizens. and is currently bombing countries illegally. Allows the EPA to run rampant and overlook crimes committed by Monsanto among others. Continues policies of failure. Has not deported family members he knows are here illegally. Continues to spend, spend, spend, with no cuts in sight, Obamacare which most people don't want, seeks to put several industries out of business, is an economic nitwit, did not give back his Nobel peace prize, blames his screw-ups on everyone else, and the list goes on and on and on.
    orlin sellers

    1. Back when Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, David Brooks said that he should have made a clean sweep of all the prizes, since he also gave a speech on economics and on science and on and on.

    2. I agree with you on most of that.

  3. That picture is Romney's effort at looking like Wallace from "Wallace and Gromit," right?

  4. "If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist, you'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
    orlin sellers
