Sunday, April 1, 2012

Good News for Brian Aitken

on the loss of martyr status. Even against his will the gun-rights fanatics made Brian their poster boy.

A man who bought guns legally in Colorado - but was arrested and slapped with a seven-year prison sentence for not having a permit to carry them in New Jersey - had two of the three charges filed against him overturned by the state Supreme Court on Friday.

Brian Aitken was arrested on Jan. 2, 2009 after he angrily left his mother's house in Mount Laurel, N.J., and she called police, fearing that her son was suicidal after his ex-wife canceled his visitation session with their son, according to court documents.
What's your opinion? What's the world coming to when even in New Jersey we cannot punish gun offenders? If this keeps up the gun guys will have to let go of that persecution complex they carry around.

What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.


  1. You mean that the wacko State of New Jersey might have to recognize gun rights too? What is this world coming to? Of course, the momma sounds a genuine prize, turning her son in on that.

  2. "Of course, the momma sounds a genuine prize, turning her son in on that."

    Every comment like the one above is further proof of Greg Camp's sociopathy.

    "Brian Aitken was arrested on Jan. 2, 2009 after he angrily left his mother's house in Mount Laurel, N.J., and she called police, fearing that her son was suicidal after his ex-wife canceled his visitation session with their son, according to court documents."

    Yeah, jeez, what a bitch, callin' the cops on her son. What the reports says is that she was afraid he was suicidal. If she was like most mothers she would say that, rather than, "My crazy,pissed-off son just left here and I'm afraid he might be going to do harm to his wife and child.

    "You mean that the wacko State of New Jersey might have to recognize gun rights too? What is this world coming to?"

    You gunzloonz have the integrity of a used car salesman. You're pissed off that individual states are allowed to make their own gunzlawz--'less of course they align with your OCD re: teh gunz.

  3. This:

    "In a ruling made public Friday, the appellate court overturned Aitken’s conviction for possessing the guns, saying Morley erred and that jurors should have been allowed to consider the exemption argument. The panel also overturned Aitken’s conviction for possession of a large-capacity ammunition magazine, saying the prosecution had failed to show the magazines were operable."

    is from here (

    The ruling seems to ignore the facts presented at trial in overturning the conviction re: the "exemption" rule. The second conviction being overturned for the prosecution's procedural error seems to be a stretch as well. You may be assured that if the ruling had gone the other way that the gunzloonz would be howling. The irony of their cheering when convictions are overturned on procedural grounds/technicalities WHEN they've done something illegal v when it's some blackoperphomeinvader is lost on them.

  4. You do know what the "exception rule" is that the jurors were not allowed to hear about, right?

  5. "You do know what the "exception rule" is that the jurors were not allowed to hear about, right?"

    Do you? If so, please provide the citation for the relevant statute. The exception I did find does not allow someone to move to NJ and spend some period of time there THEN moving to another place of residence with undocumented weapons in his possession.

    "In an email to, Joel Bewley, a spokesman for the Burlington County Prosecutor's Office, said "no evidence" was presented during the trial to support Aitken's claim that he was moving at the time of his arrest. And despite an appearance on's "Strategy Room" in August 2009 to discuss his case, Aitken did not testify at his trial.

    Read more:"

    The above appears to indicate that Aitken's lawyer did not do his homework OR the prosedutor is lyingl. The latter is possible, but easy enough to determine from trial transcripts. Considering that Governor Chris Christie pardones the idiot back in 2010, I'm thinking it's highly unlikely his AG will be interested in appealing the latest ruling to overturn the two convictions.

    It is always fun to watch you gunzloonz turn your own logic inside out--that logic that sez bad peoples wunt get kilt or imprisunned if they weren't guilty of SOMETHING--when it's a gunzmartyr whose dick gets caught in the wringer.

  6. States have no rights when it comes to guns. That right belongs to individuals, both as a natural right and as an ennumerated right of the people in the Constitution. If your side can't get the right removed, you're going to have to see it as the same as the rights of speech, voting, and other such basic civil rights. The Constitution is dang inconvenient to authoritarians, and that's how we like it.

  7. "States have no rights when it comes to guns. That right belongs to individuals, both as a natural right and as an ennumerated right of the people in the Constitution. If your side can't get the right removed, you're going to have to see it as the same as the rights of speech, voting, and other such basic civil rights. The Constitution is dang inconvenient to authoritarians, and that's how we like it."

    The ignorance of your arguments never ceases to amaze me. Please copy the part of my comments or the original post that refers to the states having any "rights" concerning gunz!

    There are times, Greg Camp, when I read one of your comments that I'm reminded of John Grisham, the author. I tried to read a couple of his novels but they just aren't that well written--plus he knows too little about the law to be expounding on it. Yep, I'm reminded of him when I read the nonsense that you write.

    BTW, moron, "states rights" is a meme that the reichwing, which includes a fuckton of your gunzloonzpalz (and, most likely, you) loves to use when it suits them. Of course states DON'T have any "rights", what they have is authority. I expect that you have trouble making a distinction between the two. Here's another bit of information; authoritarianism is far more of a reichwing trait than a leftwing or liberal trait--neither of which groupings include me.
