Monday, April 2, 2012

Miami Funeral Home Shooting - 2 Dead 12 Wounded

US News reports

At least one gunman opened fire on a crowd or mourners gathered at a Miami-area funeral home, killing two people and injuring 12, authorities said.

The shooting happened Friday night at Funeraria Latina Emanuel in the North Miami area. More than 100 people were gathered outside the funeral home when a car drove by and at least one person inside the vehicle fired shots, reportedly with a high-powered weapon.
Gun-rights fanatics will tell us this has nothing to do with the easy access to guns. Bad guys will always find ways to get them, they keep telling us. Yet, about the UK, they say knife crime has increased because guns are harder to get.

The reason they lie about this, and lie so stupidly that they contradict themselves about the situation in England, is because they're scared to death that they'll be held accountable for the damage their policies and lack of restrictions are causing.

Another contributing factor, it seems to me, is the attitude of never having to back down when you have a gun. This has been in the news lately with all the discussions about stand-your-ground laws, but it's an attitude that runs much deeper than that. It is a macho, bully-boy state of mind that works exactly the same in the "lawful" gun owners supposedly protecting his property as it does in the teenage gang member taking revenge at a funeral for having been disrespected.

The solution is obvious: strict gun control which would prevent unfit people from getting guns legally and choke off the gun flow from truly law-abiding to the criminals.

What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.


  1. FBI agent charged with beating her father

    see link for full story

    Thu, March 29, 2012

    YOUNGSTOWN — A 46-year-old woman, who police listed as a former FBI agent, has been charged with domestic violence for allegedly assaulting her partially blind father this week.

    The man told police Lawson hit him in the back of his head and on the shoulder. Lawson told police she did hit her father because he was getting on her nerves.

    The father, while police were investigating the matter, told his daughter, “You need help. That’s why they kicked you out of the FBI.”

    The statement, reportedly sent Lawson into a frenzy, causing her to curse the man and punch him in the head in front of officers.

    Lawson still threatened to do her father bodily harm as she was being led away by police.

  2. The History Channel made a 9 part series about the Assassination of President Kennedy.
    The last show in the series was called THE GUILTY MEN.
    It details the evidence for President Kennedy being assassinated by the FBI.
    After becoming the most popular show in the series the History Channel pulled it off the air and refuse to sell it.
    Google the guilty men jfk youtube
    and watch the 45 minute version or click here to watch it

    In 1999 the Martin Luther King family sued one of the assassins of Martin Luther King in civil court. They did this because the department of justice would not reopen the investigation after the Martin Luther King family uncovered evidence that the FBI, CIA, and Memphis police had assassinated Dr King. The King family also wanted to enter their evidence into a public record so it could be accessed.The jury returned a verdict in favor of the King family and juror members held a press conference saying it was a clear cut case of the FBI assassinating Dr King. There was a media blackout of the trial. Details of the trial can be viewed here or by reading the book called ACT OF STATE THE EXECUTION OF Martin Luther King
    written by the trial attorney William Pepper.

  3. 1. Bullies are physically stronger individuals who prey on weaker persons. They seek out victims. That's a huge difference between them and us.

    2. I'm not sure where you got the motive for the shooting. Nothing much is offered in the original article. Of course, that quotes the pastor as having been "galvanizing" with the people after the service, so who knows what is accurate there.

    3. How can criminals be kept from getting guns? I know how to keep good citizens from getting them, but a whole lot of contraband crosses our border every day.

    4. We're not lying about England.

  4. So the macho bully who picks on the little kid on the playground is no different from the victim of a mugging who is forced to defend themselves? Should that victim be charged with murder because some lawyer a couple weeks later decides she may have been able to run away?

    1. A member of my family recently got beaten nearly to death by four thugs in one of Brady's top scoring states. My relative tried to run away, but the four caught him. He's got multiple broken bones and may never see again out of one eye. Again, this was in a state where hardly anyone gets a carry license.

    2. I'm very sorry to hear about your family member. That's definitely a problem but carrying a gun is rarely the solution. Guns do more harm than good.

    3. It would have been a shame if he had been able to defend himself. The Brady crowd would whimper about how a white guy shot Hispanic young men, after all. But the point here is that a duty to retreat is unrealistic and does more harm than good.

  5. ""

    You should have put that at the top of your rant, it would have told me all I need to know about what followed. Lew Rockwell, Ron Paul's pet racist and one of truly loonyfuckz out there.

    If that "comment" immediately preceding the tripe by Lew Rockwell is from the same "anonymous", exactly wtf are you doing besides trying to threadjack?

    Greg Camp:

    "1. Bullies are physically stronger individuals who prey on weaker persons. They seek out victims. That's a huge difference between them and us."

    Well, there's that or, maybe, this:


    1.A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
    2.Corned beef.

    Bullying is about domination and humiliation, size? not so much.

    "3. How can criminals be kept from getting guns? I know how to keep good citizens from getting them, but a whole lot of contraband crosses our border every day."

    Good Citizens don't have to be kept from getting guns, that's actually one of mikeb302000's points about the need for firearms regulation. Good people, those who wish to purchase, hold and use firearms are not the people mikeb302000 is talking about. Pay attention.

    "So the macho bully who picks on the little kid on the playground is no different from the victim of a mugging who is forced to defend themselves."

    You're saying that; mikeb302000 did not. When you accuse people of having said something that they did not say then be prepared to have people think you're not interested in any genuine discussion. Oh, and you're an idiot when you do that.

  6. Even if people can pass through the many regulatory proposals, were they to pass, the resulting expenses would put guns out of reach for many of them. I don't think that your side is stupid. I do believe you to be sinister. You may be Lucy with the football, but we're not Charlie Brown.
