Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Average Gun Owners Need Restrictions

Robert Farago published a post of mine on his blog. I'm honored about that. The comments are priceless. Check it out. The title is,

Does TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia Represent Gun Owners at Large?

The short answer is “no.” Here’s my thinking. My impression is that the folks who comment here, and probably many who read and do not comment, are for the most part extremely responsible and safe people. Although there’s some disagreement on things like home carry, for example, everyone seems to agree on the need for training and adherence to the 4 Rules of Gun Safety. The problem starts when you guys begin to extrapolate from that and apply these characteristics to gun owners at large. This is just not the case . . .


  1. The comments there are identical to what we've been telling you here: Your proposals won't stop crime; they'll only harm good gun owners. We hope some day that you'll get the message.

    1. Greg, you keep calling it "harm" and "punishment." It's nothing of the kind.

    2. Having to pay fees and work our way through red tape is a harm. You want to add more. It's especially a harm in that it restrains a civil right. How do you feel about fees and licensing and photo ID cards for voting?

  2. Average gun owners need restrictions like average negros need restrictions.

  3. mikeb302000:

    I hope you're not suggesting that people like Greg Camp (who was kind enough to provide a photo of himself on his webpage, disobeying one of the four rules--'cuz it was a "pose") be lumped in with responisble gunzloonz.

    "Average gun owners need restrictions like average negros need restrictions."

    I love the smell of overt racism in the morning, it reminds me of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of teh gunzloonz.

    1. Democommie,

      1. Which rule did I violate? I invite you not to take Dog Gone's word on the subject, but prove it yourself.

      2. The point being made there is that civil rights are civil rights. Deny one, and what's to stop you from denying another?
